Issue - meetings

King George V Playing Fields

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive (Item 81)

81 King George V Playing Fields pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To consider the report of the Director Finance.

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that Executive approve for the Council to enter into agreement for lease dictating terms for the eventual grant a lease of the King George V Playing Fields to the Exeter City Community Trust (ECCT) in accordance with the broad proposals set out in this report but with negotiation and agreement of detailed terms to be delegated to the City Surveyor in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





Councillor Vizard declared a non-pecuniary interest and left the meeting during consideration of the following item.


The Executive received the report which proposed the transfer by lease of the whole of the King George V Playing Fields, including the changing rooms, to the Exeter City Community Trust with continued public access by the community.


Particular reference was made to:-


·         the Council had considered ongoing operational and repair savings as well as the opportunity to deliver new facilities for sport, leisure, and community use in the area without the need for City Council capital investment;

·         there were mechanisms currently under discussion with the Trust for securing existing Council income streams;

·         the report addressed issues around best consideration; it being felt that the improvements to the site satisfied the requirements;

·         there was a requirement to advertise this as a public open space disposal. The advert had been placed just prior to the announcement of the election. The public open space advert process had now completed and submissions had been received and were under consideration;

·         there was an intention to carry out a full public consultation during the summer which would be supported by local event surveys and opportunities for people to comment on the proposals; and

·         the alternative option was effectively to carry on the running the playing field as it was now, without the opportunity to deliver enhanced facilities.


Opposition group leaders spoke on the item and made the following points:-


·         Cllr Mitchell – welcomed the report and sought assurance that the lease would ensure the site remained open for community use and guaranteed public access.

·         Cllr Moore – enquired on whether there could be a commitment to increasing biodiversity and avoiding the use of plastics in the new facilities.


During the discussion, the following points were made:


·         the proposals were welcomed, especially with more people playing football with a lack of access to 3G pitches in the city;

·         having a full consultation was welcome;

·         what information would be disclosed to the public?

·         it was a large open space with facilities, which could be used more, and the facilities required an update;

·         working with the Trust was welcomed; and

·         this would provide new opportunities for a wide range of people, beyond use for  football.


In response to questions and points raised, the City Surveyor advised:-


·         that in terms of consultation and public access, there would be a wide ranging, fully open public consultation on the plans and the future;

·         residents, local community groups and interested parties would be able to fully engage in the process with local events;

·         the site would remain accessible to the general public, with improvements focused at improving sport, community uses, and wellbeing;

·         the report was asking for authority to an agreement for lease, the details of which would be worked out and would include conditions to commit to public access rights and all issues would be worked through before any lease was actually granted; and

·         leases were not the best means for delivering a commitment to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81