Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/06/2008 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 20)

20 Portfolio Holders to Present Their Priorities for the Forthcoming Year pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Councillor Wadham (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor Mrs S.R Brock (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.


(Work Programme attached)



Councillor Wadham presented the following priorities within the Transport and Sustainable Development Portfolio for the forthcoming year:-


Long Term Spatial Strategy - to meet the challenge of accommodating the growth in Exeter’s population as envisaged by the Government.  A response will be made to a further draft of the Regional Spatial Strategy, which is expected by the end of July; to bring forward the revised Local Development Framework Core Strategy by the year end and to continue working with East Devon District Council and Devon County Council to deliver our commitment to the New Growth Point.

Affordable Housing - to include an enhanced 35% standard and a lower threshold in the revised Local Development Core Strategy.

Climate Change - use the planning system to encourage developers to meet higher standards of construction and insulation and to raise the percentage of renewables and underpinning this work by close working between Planning and Building Control.

Environmental Enhancements - implementation of the Fore Street, Heavitree Enhancement this summer, working with Devon County Council. Continue to develop plans for the enhancement of Cowick Street; other work includes the completion of Paris Street/ Sidwell Street improvements and proposals for the re-paving of Martin’s Lane will be brought forward shortly. There will also be further consideration with the County Council on what other enhancements to secondary City Centre streets are justified.

Debenhams and the Bus Station Site - continue to develop high quality re-modelling of the exterior of the Debenhams tower to bring the site back into use as quickly as possible, as well as essential background work with preparation of a master plan for the Bus Station site to deliver a high quality bus interchange at the heart of the scheme.

Signing - continue working with Devon County Council to endorse the proposed new pedestrian signing system.

Demand Management - work with the County Council to limit growth in car traffic and improve reasonable air quality; maintain the focus on Park and Ride expansion, particularly on the A30 Western approach as well as continuing to support the Cycling Demonstration Town Project, Walking Strategy and TravelSmart project.

Civil Parking Enforcement - complete the transfer of the Traffic Warden function to the City Council, and continue to ensure the appropriate level of enforcement is maintained.


Councillor Wadham and the Director Economy and Development gave the following responses to Members’ questions -


  • A review of the affordable housing threshold should have a positive effect on increasing affordable housing stocks.
  • Regarding parking enforcement, it was important to ensure that the lines and signs were correct, and he had every confidence that the level of enforcement was appropriate. The Director added that a glitch in the software affecting the handheld recorders used to issue tickets had now been resolved. They would continue to draw the County Council’s attention to any incomplete signs and lines.
  • The Director advised that a number of options on the future of the Bus Station site had been discussed with Stagecoach, including the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20