Venue: Legislation has been passed that allows Council's to conduct Committee meetings remotely
Contact: Howard Bassett, Democratic Services Officer (Committees) 01392 265107 or email
No. | Item |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2020.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2020 were taken as read and approved as correct, for signing by the Chair at the earliest possible convenience.
Declarations of Interest Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item. Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made by Members.
To consider the report of the Director.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Project Manager (Development) (PJ) presented the application for residential development including new access onto Shillingford Road and associated infrastructure, with all matters reserved for future consideration.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) provided a description of the site area with outline proposal and an illustrative layout for 116 dwelling and explained the planning context of the site in relation to surrounding sites and the strategic allocation of 2,500 homes for South West Exeter. He referred to the following key issues:-
· the principle of development; · affordable housing of potentially 35 dwellings at a rate of 30%; · the Council’s five year supply of housing; · access and impact on local highways; · scale, design, and impact on character and appearance; · the Alphington Development Brief; · ecological issues and habitat mitigation; · district heating; · sustainable construction and energy conservation; · economic benefits and CIL/Section 106 for the wider south west area, public realm.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) (PJ) advised that:-
· following further consultation with Devon County amendments were proposed to the phasing of the Section 106 Agreement contributions in respect of affordable housing, district heating, provision and maintenance of public open space, transport, education, GP and open space to align with the timing requirements of Teignbridge District Council in the neighbouring developments; · conditions had been included to secure a through route link from Shillingford Road to Chudleigh Road and an additional condition was proposed to ensure a two way bus flow through the site; and · it was considered that the additional information provided by the developer met the requirements of the Alphington Development Brief.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) responded as follows to Members’ queries:-
· conditions had been added to increase the width of radius of the road into the site to ensure enough space to be served by public transport and to ensure a suitable internal layout with appropriate provision within the Section 106 Agreement; · theAlphington Development Brief confirmed the importance of Markham Lane to the character of the area to ensure its bio-diversity would be maintained, its hedgerows retained and that it would not be used as a bus route. Financial contributions within the Section 106 Agreement would secure theupgrade of the road; · gaps would be provided through Markham Lane for pedestrian and cycle access from the site to the community facilities and school to the south of the site and barriers and appropriate fencing provided at reserved matters stage to secure safe access onto the Lane; · regard would be made to preserve the landscape setting of the Markham Ridge as part of the overall strategic housing site; and · although not included within the Section 106 Agreement, discussions were progressing with Burrington Estates and Redrow on the proposal to link to the District Heating network and the Marsh Barton incinerator.
Councillor Atkinson, having given notice under Standing Order No. 44, spoke on the item. She raised the following points:-
· pleased that many of the requirements of the Alphington Development Brief will be met including the 30% affordable housing provision and the character ... view the full minutes text for item 84. |
Planning Application No. 20/0809/TEL - Land at Sidmouth Road, Exeter PDF 258 KB To consider the report of the Director.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Service Lead City Development presented the application for prior approval for the installation of 18 metre high 5G telecommunication monopole with cabinet at base and associated ancillary works.
The Assistant Service Lead City Development:-
· detailed the location of the mast and the associated equipment explaining that the height of the mast had been reduced from 20 metres and its location moved slightly to avoid a gas main; · referred to a map showing the cell search of the area detailing areas covered by 5G and areas where coverage was poor or with little or no coverage; · referred to other site options considered by the applicant and the reasons for their rejection such as conflicts with transmission with other masts and a preference for using public land; and · referred to a series of photo montages provided by the applicant, which showed a range of views and the potential visual impact the mast would have on the street scene.
He advised that a total of 183 representations had been received with 178 objecting. Responding to new issues raised he advised that:-
· a potential site option to the north of Exeter Arms was not considered suitable because of an existing mast used by a different operator which would have resulted in interference; · the height of a typical double decker bus was 4.5 metres which was lower than the 18 metre height of the mast and therefore the difference between passengers and height of mast was significantly in excess of Government guidelines; and · the visuals submitted were in respect of a 20 metre mast but were considered acceptable as it was possible to gauge the impact of a 18 metre mast.
The Assistant Service Lead City Development advised that grounds for approval of the prior approval were limited to size, shape and appearance and it was not considered that there were reasons for refusal on these grounds.
He responded as follows to Members queries:-
· St Peters School, which was 200 metres from the application site, had been consulted, the school making representations in July 2020, seeking assurance that the mast complied with Government guidance. No further representation had been received from the school; · the mast and associated equipment were on the back edge of the pavement with a gap of 3.475 metres between the cabinet and kerb. The Highway Authority had confirmed that the pavement was sufficiently wide and the equipment did not impede use by pedestrians and cyclists; · no objections had been received from the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary; · issues relating to Biodiversity, including the reference to wildlife whiskered bats, accorded with Government guidance and there was no evidence that there would be an adverse impact on wildlife; and · the submission of a statutory nuisance was not part of the planning system.
Ms Tere Wells spoke against the application. She raised the following points:- · Sidmouth Road is a major link between Exeter and the East of Exeter with the mature trees being a crucial aesthetic creating an image of a "Green ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |
Planning Application No. 19/1417/FUL - Ambulance Station, Gladstone Road, Exeter PDF 669 KB To consider the report of the Director.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Project Manager (Development) (DC) presented the application for the demolition of existing buildings and re-development of site to provide co-living accommodation with associated accesses/egresses, landscaping and other external works.
The Principal Project Manager (Development), went through the site location plan, aerial views, and photographs of the existing site and its context with adjacent buildings.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) set out a detailed description of the application and highlighted:-
· co-living residential development of 133 studios; · 27 studios to be affordable rented, equating to 20% in-line with National Planning Practice Guidance; · the development would be car free except for deliveries and drop off/pick up; · the proposals included a new pedestrian crossing on Gladstone Road; · the developer had agreed to provide a £65,000 contribution towards a pedestrian/cycle crossing on Heavitree Road; · there would be a reliance on existing public open spaces nearby to provide outdoor amenity and recreational space. The proposals included a £50,000 contribution towards upgrade and maintenance of Belmont Park; · the Section 106 under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 would also secure habitats mitigation of £114,247; and · the development was sui generis and not CIL liable.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) went through the proposed site plan of the development detailing the proximity of the building to adjacent neighbouring buildings and to Gladstone Road, proposed accesses, proposed landscaping for the development, location of bin store and covered cycle store and the location of the proposed pedestrian crossing on Gladstone Road.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) in her presentation highlighted the following key elements of the application:-
· comparison between the previous flat roof scheme and the new pitched roof design; · studio sizes from lower ground floor to third floor being on average 20 square metres, each studio being self-contained with a kitchenette, en-suite shower room, work space and wardrobe; · floor layouts for each floor including a total of 409 square metres of communal areas providing work space and seating space, communal kitchen and communal dining area, laundry, games area, flexible events and social space. The majority of communal areas to be provided on the ground floor with some communal space also on the lower ground floor; · the communal amenity space equating to 3.1 square metres per studio; · the courtyard area providing outdoor amenity for the residents; · a gated vehicular access from Gladstone Road for drop off and pick up purposes and deliveries; · the accommodation to have a General Manager and a team to support the general running of the scheme. The Management Plan sets out that the site is likely to be staffed 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday to Friday with key times covered over the weekend, all tenants to have a contact number for out of hours emergencies.
The Principal Project Manager (Development) went through the scale, height, massing and detailed design and appearance of the building and its relationship with adjacent built development. A series of Computer Generated Images (CGI’s) were shown of the proposed development from various viewpoints in the locality. ... view the full minutes text for item 86. |
List of Decisions Made and Withdrawn Applications PDF 16 KB To consider the report of the Director.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director was submitted.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
To consider the report of the Director. Minutes: The schedule of appeal decisions and appeals lodged was submitted.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.