Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Economy - Thursday 12th November 2009 5.30 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Member Services Officer  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item




The minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2009 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare personal and prejudicial interests, including the nature and extent of such interests, in relation to business on the agenda, before any discussion takes place on the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.



Members declared the following personal (*prejudicial) interests:






42 (Member of the Avocet Line Rail Users Committee Group)

P Smith

45 (Independent Chair of the Barnfield Theatre)

54 (User of the Building Control Service)



Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 19 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

A period of up to 15 minutes should be set aside to deal with questions to the Committee from members of the public.


Details of questions should be notified to the Assistant Chief Executive at least three working days prior to the meeting.  Further information and a copy of the procedure are available from Member Services (Exeter 265115) and also on the Council web site



Additional documents:


Councillor Wadham and Councillor Mrs S R Brock presented progress reports on the priorities in their respective Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio and Economy and Tourism Portfolio.  A copy of the priorities and progress circulated to Members would be appended to the Minutes.


The following responses to Members’ questions were given:-


Sustainable Development and Transport


·         New Growth Point - The Director advised that the Inter-Modal Freight Terminal had planning consent, but the market was unlikely to deliver it.  A report to Committee in January would set out proposals for input to the County Council’s Local Transport Plan.


·         Climate Change - The Director stated there were now clear proposals and funding for a Combined Heat and Power scheme to serve Skypark and Cranbrook and possibly beyond, and that this was an excellent example of a private and public partnership.


·         Civil Parking Enforcement -  The Portfolio Holder commented that he would seek an improved response relating to parking enforcement outside the school gates particularly in Alphington, Westexe, Newtown and Whipton schools.


Economy and Tourism


·         Festivals -The Portfolio Holder responded that the demands on the forthcoming budget were still being discussed and all aspects of the Council’s expenditure were under review, but every effort would be made to continue funding the festivals portfolio.


·         Science Park -  The Head of Economy and Tourism stated that the Business Plan, including the structure of the equity status for the Science Park was still being worked up. Although the project was being taken forward in a commercial way, it is hoped that the confidence generated by the public sector investment would encourage the private sector to come forward with significant investment at the next stage.


The Chair suggested the Portfolio Holder reports should include an outline of future intentions.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the reports.





Concessionary Fares


This report was considered as an urgent item of business in view of the need for a response to a Government consultation paper by the deadline of 30 December.


The Director Economy and Development circulated an urgent report and sought the views of Members on a proposed response to a recent consultation paper issued by the Department for Transport, on the national funding formula for concessionary fares for 2010/11. He outlined the issues relating to a serious underfunding of the scheme in Exeter which was exacerbated by our position as a “hub” authority.  The Council has made a substantial effort to address the equity of the scheme with repeated representations, and were extremely gratified that the Department for Transport was now recommending a revised grant distribution which would provide a further £1.65 million in 2010/11 for the City Council.


Members noted that the Projects and Business Manager would also be producing a technical paper to accompany the response, by the deadline of 30 December. The Director set out the challenging timetable for Government to confirm their proposals, which includes an eight week consultation period and the analysis of all responses before any Order can be laid before Parliament.  This is against the backdrop of the setting of the Council Tax by local authorities in February.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the proposed response on the funding of the concessionary fares scheme and requested that the Executive endorse the submission to the Department for Transport (DfT).


(Report circulated)




Office of Fair Trading Reference - Local Bus Services pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism – report circulated


The Projects and Business Manager advised Members of the Council’s response to an Office of Fair Trading (OFT) consultation in relation to local bus services in Great Britain, prompted by its proposed referral to the Competition Commission of the bus industry for a market investigation.  The response, which was attached as an appendix to the report, had already been sent with the agreement of the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport, because of the views in favour of supporting the referral expressed by Members at the last meeting of Scrutiny Economy.


The Council’s response included support for the referral of the local bus industry to the Competition Commission particularly as in the local context, bus fares remained a pertinent issue in Exeter, with many believing that they paid an above average fare. 

Other issues included a desire for more integrated working between bus and other transport services, as well as the development of more innovative technology such as smart and integrated ticketing. A Member suggested that bus services should remain privately run, but be publicly regulated, through a franchise setting out the required levels of service. 


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the report and Members endorsed the response submitted by officers to the Office of Fair Trading in time for the 15 October deadline.


(Report circulated)


Consultation by Network Rail - Great Western Route Utilisation Strategy pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism – report circulated



Councillor Wardle declared a personal interest as a member of the Avocet Line Rail Users  Group.


The report of the Projects and Business Manager outlined the publication by Network Rail of a consultation draft of the route utilisation strategy (RUS) for the Great Western rail network focusing on the period to 2019. In view of the importance of the issues to Exeter, and with the agreement of the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport, Members’ endorsement was sought in respect of the Council’s response which had already been submitted. Any further comments could be forwarded to Network Rail to meet the final deadline of 27 November 2009.


The response included acknowledgment of improvements in the Exeter area with an hourly service to London Waterloo commencing in December, and a half hourly frequency from Exeter to Paignton proposed in the draft RUS. There was concern over the missed opportunity for reference to improvement of the local Exeter to Exmouth branch line, and concern over the lack of reference to any new stations in the local area, particularly serving areas where future development would take place. The response emphasised the importance of ensuring a transport choice for residents of those future developments at Newcourt, Monkerton and Cranbrook, with the implications of failure to serve them by rail being traffic access in the city.


In response to a question from a Member, the Projects and Business Manager outlined the basis for securing contributions under Section 106 agreements, adding that the basis for any such agreement was subject to intense scrutiny, therefore it was necessary to have costed infrastructure proposals drawn up. A Member welcomed the Council’s response but voiced disappointment at Network Rail’s lack of forward thinking.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the report and Members endorsed the response to Network Rail.


(Report circulated)



Sustainable Communities Act 2007 - Proposals from Transition Exeter


The report of the Director Economy and Development referred to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 when local authorities, community groups or individuals were invited to bring forward proposals for consideration by Government to stimulate economic, social or environmental sustainability projects in an area.  The report set out the background to a proposal made by Transition Exeter, under the SCA Act, to introduce a tax on car parking at stores outside of the city centre. 


The Director outlined the background to this and another bid selected for submission as reported to the Executive in June.  Although both schemes were entirely laudable there were a number of issues, not least how such schemes could be policed. He responded to a query on the costs to promote this scheme so far, advising that there had been some officer time and a panel had considered the proposals. The impact of a shift of any activity to out of town centres from the city centre was acknowledged.  The Local Government Association had now listed all such proposals on their web site.  It was noted that the Transition Exeter proposal could only be pursued if national legislation were in place. 


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)




Economy Update


The report of the Head of Economy and Tourism presented a report which provided Members with a brief update on the effect the recession was having on Exeter.


Exeter’s position as a city with a strong commuting pattern has proved more resilient than similar areas adversely affected by recession, and confidence was slowly returning. A briefing note detailing the latest unemployment figures for October including the Exeter travel to work area was circulated at the meeting. The high level of unemployed aged under 25 years and the increase in those unemployed for a period of more than six months remained a worrying trend. A Member referred to the upward trend of youth unemployment and the increased uptake of those college courses, but there was only so much capacity for college or modern job creation schemes. He suggested that the level of employees in the public sector might also be affected by public expenditure reductions in the future.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)


Festivals Review 2009


Cllr P Smith declared a personal interest as the Independent Chair of the Barnfield Theatre and Member of Exeter Arts Council.


The report of the Head of Economy and Tourism presented a review and report back on the performance of the festivals portfolio. The report summarised the key characteristics and changes to the Autumn Festival, Animated Exeter, Vibraphonic and the Summer Festival which had all had a positive impact.  He reported the successful outcome of a funding grant of £30,000 which had been awarded to Animated Exeter to be used to develop schools involvement.


The Chair also wished to record the appreciation of the Committee to the Festivals Manager for the smooth operation of the Festivals portfolio, particularly in this difficult climate.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and supported the future development of the festivals portfolio.



(Report circulated)





Heritage Open Days 2009


The Head of Economy and Tourism presented a report on the City Council’s involvement and performance of the Heritage Open Days event in Exeter. This was the City Council’s tenth year of involvement in the Heritage Open Days event in Exeter, which resulted in numbers in excess of 4,000 visits.   The Open Days had included many regular venues and the event itself had grown in numbers. Members’ support for a similar event in 2010 was sought as part of the overall promotion of Exeter’s heritage attractions. The organisational costings were noted together with the considerable commitment by those taking part, all of whom offer admission to the venues free of charge.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and the success of Exeter Heritage Open Days in 2009, and supported a similar event in 2010, between 9 and 12 September 2010, as part of the overall promotion of Exeter's heritage attractions.


(Report circulated)



Capital Programme Monitoring


The report of the Projects and Business Manager was presented, which advised Members of the latest position with regard to the 2009/10 capital programme for the Economy and Development Directorate. The report also included a summary of the position at the end of September 2009, in an appendix which contained a complete list of capital projects.  


The Director highlighted a number of schemes and confirmed that tenders for the new road, car park and boat store at the Canal Basin and Quayside had been accepted and would go forward.  Devon County Council’s planning application to redevelop the Haven Banks Education Centre had been approved. The Head of Estates Services had agreed the terms for use of the Old Electricity Building as a children’s facility. Funding for the Science Park had been approved and planning consent would follow allowing a start on site by 2011. It was anticipated that the substantial public sector funding which had initiated the project may allow the contributing partners to be able to benefit from a financial return in the longer term.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)


Economy Stewardship to September 2009


The report of the Head of Treasury Services was reported which advised Members of any forecast variations to the budget, based on the first six months of the financial year 2009/10. This report highlighted any differences by management unit to the outturn forecast for the first six months of the financial year up to 30 September 2009 compared with the approved annual budget.  During this period the total of the variances indicated that the overall net expenditure for this Committee wouldl increase by £412,930 which represents a variation of 33.10% from the revised budget of £1,247,700.  This included supplementary budgets of £125,930.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)


Risk Management


The Director Economy and Development presented a report which identified the risks relating to the areas within the remit of this Committee, and of the actions proposed and taken to mitigate the risks concerned. He highlighted the significant new risks identified in the latest review. The Director invited Members to comment.


A Member commended the way the information and formulation of the degree of risk was presented. 


Scrutiny Committee – Economy:-


(1)        noted the report and


(2)        supported ongoing monitoring of its own areas of responsibility to ensure that the risk register remains current and risk assessments are valid, and that proposed mitigating action are taken by the agreed target dates.


(Report circulated)


Half year Results of Performance Monitoring


The report of the Projects and Business Manager was considered which detailed the half year figures for those statutory and local performance indicators that relate to the service provided by the Economy and Development Directorate.  He was pleased to report that the overall performance was broadly positive and he outlined a number of the key areas.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)


Property Performance Indicators


The Head of Estates Services submitted an annual report informing Members of the position regarding the Council’s performance on Property Performance Indicators (PPIs) to establish further targets for those indicators, and to authorise officers to review the suite of indicators used.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and supported the adoption of targets for 2009/2010 and that officers be authorised to review the Property Performance Indicators to see if the suite of indicators can be improved.


(Report circulated)


Property Voids and Debts


The Head of Estates Services submitted a report which informed Members of the City Council’s commercial portfolio regarding void properties as at 30 September 2009 and debts for the four quarters ending on the September 2009 quarter day. The report identified key local indicators and both long and short term empty property levels.  Despite the national picture, Exeter’s retail property market position remained balanced, and the rental value of current voids was only 2% of the total rental value of the commercial portfolio.


A Member suggested more flexible terms such as lower rents and turnover rents  could address future long term voids. The Head of Estates Services agreed that negotiations needed to be as flexible as they could be but without damaging the wider value of the commercial estate.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)




To pass the following resolution:-


RECOMMENDED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded for the meeting for the consideration of  item 18 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs  1 and 4 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Act.  


RESOLVED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part I, Schedule 12A of the Act.


Building Control Review


Cllr P Smith declared a personal interest as he had recently been a client of the service.


The Director Economy and Development presented a joint report which outlined a number of proposed changes in the structure and charges for the Building Control service.  The proposals will ensure that the budgetary issues facing the team are addressed and will enable it to operate more effectively in an increasingly competitive environment.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the recommendation that Executive approve the following that:-


(1)        the employment of the holder of one of the posts of Building Control

Officer (ED07167-70) be terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 31

January in accordance where applicable with the provisions of Regulation

19 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and

Contributions) Regulations 2007; with compensation being paid to the

holder of the selected post in accordance with the discretion exercised by

the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early

Termination)(Discretionary Compensation)(England and Wales)

Regulations 2006; a payment of compensation be made in respect of the

notice/unexpired period of notice to which the employee would otherwise

be entitled under their contract of employment and the selected post be

deleted from the establishment of the Council;


(2)        voluntary severance is invited and accepted if financially appropriate, as a

preferred alternative to redundancy;


(3)        the proposed Building Control schedule 1 & 2 charges for new dwellings and

domestic extensions be increased to match those of the Devon Building

Control Partnership from 1 January 2010;


(4)        a system for charging for street naming and numbering services be

introduced from 1 January 2010 based upon the charges outlined at

Appendix 3 of the report;


(5)        the post of Technical Clerk (ED07176) be increased from 0.57 fte to full

time and take responsibility for checking the Local Land and Property

Gazetteer, funded by street naming and numbering charges and by Corporate Services; and


(6)        the Planning and Building Control Unit’s budgets be amended



(Report circulated to Members)