Agenda and minutes

Annual Council - Tuesday 14th May 2013 7.00 pm

No. Item


Retirement of Philip Bostock O.B.E.


The Lord Mayor thanked Philip Bostock, the Chief Executive for his outstanding contribution to the work of the Council and the City over the past 16 years and wished him and his wife every happiness in their retirement.


The Leader, Councillors Mrs Henson and Fullam endorsed the Lord Mayor’s gratitude and best wishes.


Philip Bostock thanked the Council for their kind words and the support he had received over the past 16 years from members and officers and wished the Council every success in the future.



Election of the Lord Mayor pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED on the nomination of Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Mrs Henson, that Councillor Rachel Lyons be elected Lord Mayor of the City for the ensuing Municipal Year.


The Lord Mayor was invested with her Robe and Chain of Office, made her Declaration of Acceptance of Office, took the Chair and returned thanks.



Appointment of the Deputy Lord Mayor


RESOLVED on the nomination of Councillor Pearson, seconded by Councillor Robson, that Councillor Hannaford be appointed Deputy Lord Mayor of the City for the ensuing Municipal Year.


The Deputy Lord Mayor was invested with his Robe and Chain of Office, made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned thanks.



Vote of Thanks


RESOLVED that the Council record its appreciation for the able and courteous manner in which Councillor Rob Newby and Mrs Newby have discharged the duties of Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress during the past year.


Councillor Leadbetter, on behalf of the Council, presented badges to the retiring Lord Mayor and retiring Lady Mayoress.


The retiring Lord Mayor returned thanks.


RESOLVED that the Council record its appreciation for the able and courteous manner in which Councillor Prowse and Mrs Prowse have discharged the duties of Deputy Lord Mayor and Deputy Lady Mayoress during the past year.


The retiring Deputy Lord Mayor returned thanks.



Confirmation of the Leader of the Council and confirmation of the Deputy Leader of the Council.


Councillor Edwards was confirmed as Leader of the Council. Councillor Edwards confirmed the appointment of Councillor Sutton as Deputy Leader.  


RESOLVED that Councillor Edwards be confirmed as Leader of the Council and Councillor Sutton as Deputy Leader. 



Appointment of the Executive and portfolio holders


The Leader of the Council confirmed his nominations for Portfolio Holders and Executive membership as circulated.


RESOLVED that the Council’s Executive be appointed as follows for the ensuing Municipal Year:-


Councillor                              Portfolio or Group 


Edwards P.W                         Leader, Budget and Strategic Vision

Martin I.J                                  Business Transformation and Human Resources*

Hannaford, R.M                       Housing and Community Involvement

Sheldon G.N                            Environment and Leisure

Sutton R.H                              Sustainable Development and Transport

Denham R.C   .                       Economy and Tourism

Henson Mrs Y.A.C                  Conservative

FullamA.A                               Liberal Democrat



* In order to ensure the most effective co-ordination of budgeting and staffing issues in the preparation and delivery of the Council’s policy to restructure the Council, it was agreed that the HR function would be assumed by the Leader for this Municipal Year, with advice from the Portfolio Holder.



Appointment of Committees pdf icon PDF 70 KB


The Lord Mayor advised that Mr M Fowkes and Mr W Page had been appointed as Independent Persons to assist the Council in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct amongst its Elected Members.


RESOLVED that the membership of Committees etc, Chairs and Deputy Chairs and Independent Persons, as shown at the Appendix to these minutes, be agreed.



The minutes of the Recruitment Panel held on 8 May 2013 pdf icon PDF 34 KB


The Strategic Directors (Karime Hassan and Mark Parkinson) left the meeting during consideration of this item.


The minutes of the Recruitment Panel of 8 May 2013 were presented by the Leader, Councillor Edwards and taken as read.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Recruitment Panel held on 8 May 2013 be received and adopted.