Agenda and draft minutes

Annual Council - Tuesday 16th May 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Guildhall, High Street, Exeter

Contact: John Street, Corporate Manager, Democratic and Civic Support  01392 265106 or email

No. Item


Chester Long


On the request of the Lord Mayor, Members and guests stood and observed a minute’s silence on the sad passing of Chester Long, a former Leader of the Council. The Lord Mayor passed on the condolences of the Council to the family and friends of Chester.




John Street


The Lord Mayor announced that John Street, Corporate Manager Democratic and Civic Support, was attending his final Council meeting prior to his retirement. Members and guests applauded John and wished him well for the future.




Election of the Lord Mayor


RESOLVED on the nomination of Councillor Fullam, seconded by Councillor Moore, that Councillor Kevin Mitchell be elected Lord Mayor of the City for the ensuing Municipal Year.


The Lord Mayor was invested with his Chain of Office, made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office, took the Chair and returned thanks. 





Appointment of the Deputy Lord Mayor


RESOLVED on the nomination of Councillor Rees, seconded by Councillor M. Mitchell, that Councillor Tess Read be appointed Deputy Lord Mayor of the City for the ensuing Municipal Year.


The Deputy Lord Mayor was invested with her Chain of Office, made her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned thanks.




Vote of Thanks


RESOLVED that the Council record its appreciation for the able and courteous manner in which Mrs Yolonda Henson and Mr David Henson have discharged the duties of the Lord Mayor and Lord Mayor’s Consort during the past year.


Councillor Jobson, on behalf of the Council, presented badges to the retiring Lord Mayor and retiring Lord Mayor’s Consort.


The retiring Lord Mayor returned thanks.


The Council also recorded its thanks in respect of Mr Rob Newby, who had served as the Deputy Lord Mayor, and also to the Deputy Lord Mayor’s Consort. Mr Rob Newby was unable to be in attendance.


Councillor Jobson spoke of the able and courteous manner in which Mr Newby had discharged his duties as Deputy Mayor including representing the city at a number of events.



Confirmation of the Leader of the Council and confirmation of the Deputy Leader


Councillor Bialyk was confirmed as Leader of the Council. Councillor Bialyk confirmed the appointment of Councillor Wright as Deputy Leader.  


RESOLVED that Councillor Bialyk be confirmed as Leader of the Council and Councillor Wright as Deputy Leader. 





Appointment of the Executive and Portfolio Holders


The Leader of the Council confirmed his nominations for Portfolio Holders and Executive membership as circulated. 


RESOLVED that the Council’s Executive be appointed as follows for the ensuing Municipal Year:-


Bialyk, P.M.

Wright, L.


Deputy Leader, Culture and City Centre Strategy

Parkhouse, J.C.M.

Climate and Ecological Crisis

Williams, R.T.

Place and City Management

Denning, B.E.

Council Housing Development and Support Services

Wood, D.

Leisure Services and Physical Activity

Foale, R.

Corporate and Democratic Services and Environmental Health

Morse, E.A.

City Development

Pearce, M.C.


Communities and Homelessness Prevention





Allcock, N.J.                                                    Community Engagement and Support Services

Lights, Z.                                                         Net Zero Exeter 2030





Appointment of Committees pdf icon PDF 197 KB


Alternative options had been submitted by the Progressive Group in respect of the Chairs of the Strategic Scrutiny Committee, the Customer Focus Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Governance Committee. A vote was taken on the nominations, when it was RESOLVED that:-


·         Councillor Vizard be appointed at the Chair of the Customer Focus Scrutiny Committee;

·         Councillor Atkinson be appointed at the Chair of the Strategic Scrutiny Committee; and

·         Councillor Wardle be appointed at the Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee.


An alternative option had been submitted by the Progressive Group in respect of the Deputy Chair of the Strategic Scrutiny Committee. The Conservative nomination was withdrawn and it was RESOLVED that Councillor M. Mitchell be appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Strategic Scrutiny Committee.


Alternative options were submitted by the Labour and Progressive Groups in respect of the Deputy Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee. A vote was taken on the nominations, when it was RESOLVED that Councillor Jobson be appointed at the Deputy Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee.


RESOLVED that the membership of Committees etc., Chairs and Deputy Chairs and Independent Persons, as shown at the Appendix to these minutes, be approved.