Agenda and minutes

Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board - Monday 7th November 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Democratic Services Officer (Committees)  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item



To sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2016.


 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2016 were signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.



Members made no declarations of interest.


Interim Bus Station Update

To receive an update on the Interim Bus Station Arrangements from the Project team.


Justin Pickford and Ian McNeill attended the meeting to present the latest detail of the Interim Bus Station arrangements for Members’ information.


Justin Pickford referred to the meeting of the Board on 12 July 2016 when the detailed design, procurement and implementation of the proposed Interim Bus Station arrangements were approved.  He reminded Members of the bus related matters which would be provided during the period of construction, to include a minimum number of bus stands and stops as part of a mixed design solution to provide shelter and protection from the weather, information for passengers, as well as driver welfare and bus operator facilities including office accommodation.


The preparation for the installation of the new temporary bus shelters to be used whilst the Bus Station was being developed would start to appear in the city centre on Paris Street, Sidwell Street and Southernhay from mid-January, but they would not be in use until the end of March when the Bus Station was due to close.  A comprehensive communications exercise would provide key information and help to manage the public’s expectations in the run up and also during the initial period of use.  As part of the effort to ensure that the public had the necessary information,

two large display boards would provide colour coded detail to show the reallocation of the existing bus station bays to the temporary stands. These would be located at the top of Paris Street opposite John Lewis and also in Princesshay. Representatives of Stagecoach and Exeter City Council were continuing their discussion over the solution for the back of house facilities for the current operator, but it was likely that some of Stagecoach’s operations may be located within the Civic Centre during the interim period. Members were reminded that it was anticipated that the interim bus station arrangements would be in place for approximately two years, whilst the Bus Station site was redeveloped.


Iain McNeill recalled the reasoning behind the approach in providing temporary bus stops in Sidwell Street North, Paris Street and Southernhay and presented an update of the interim arrangements which included:-


·         7 stands on Sidwell Street North

·         5 stands on Sidwell Street South

·         5 stands on Paris Street

·         4 stands on Cheeke Street

·         layover at various times on Red Lion Lane, Verney Street,

·         Bampfylde Street, Paris Street, Summerland Street and Sidwell

Street (13 Spaces)


The provision would provide flexibility to Stagecoach in the allocation of services to stands and routing generally around the city.  He referred to a meeting of Devon County Council’s Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) which was due to take place on 14 November.  Members of that Committee would be asked to approve the introduction of a number of temporary traffic restrictions to support the temporary transfer of bus services from the Bus Station, as well as various temporary traffic restrictions, as required, and instigate the changes required for the displaced parking around the Southernhay area.  It was likely that Devon County Council would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Communications Strategy pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To receive an update on the Communications Strategy for the Interim Bus Station Arrangements from the Communications Team.  


Rob Sims presented the detail of the Communication Strategy for the Interim Bus Station arrangements. (A copy of which is attached to the minutes) 


He circulated a copy of the Communications Strategy and set out the


·         aims and objectives

·         strategy

·         communication channels and

·         timetable  


The Strategy would help to ensure that people were aware of the timescale and arrangements for the temporary bus arrangements ahead of, and during the closure of Exeter Bus Station, which would take place at the end of March 2017, and that Exeter was seen as being open for business during this period.


Work in respect of communicating the detail of interim arrangements was progressing well and to the agreed timetable. The City Council’s Communications team continued to work with Stagecoach, the Bus Users Group, a range of passenger groups and stakeholders to ensure that the information reached those who used the Bus Station and highlight the changes to an audience on a Devon wide scale.


The team would use a number of ways to inform people including:-


·         social media, and a series of short videos will be produced which had the potential to be shared with many people and boosted on Facebook and Twitter to spread the message to a wide range of people.

·         media releases would continue to be made at regular opportunities and direct contact made with the Express & Echo, radio and also trade press. 

·         the Exeter Citizen was due to be published on 20 November and would contain all the detail of the interim arrangement.

·         weekly email bulletins were already sent to over 8,130 subscribers of the Council’s GovDelivery service.

·         a letter drop will be made to all businesses and residents in the affected area of Sidwell Street and to businesses in Southernhay.

·         a leaflet will also be produced for passengers in conjunction with Stagecoach, and include a map and full details, including a colour coded key to the temporary bus stands.  The leaflets will also be distributed at prominent locations in the city including the Bus Station, the Civic Centre, train stations, the RD&E Hospital and available in the public areas of larger retailers such as John Lewis and Marks and Spencer.

·         larger employers and business groups such as the Exeter Chamber of Commerce will also be targeted to spread the information, and 

·         businesses and stakeholders will receive a face to face visit from the communications team, as well as have a dedicated contact.


A series of engagement days at the Bus Station have been planned in January and also between February and March, as part of an intensive eight week media campaign of awareness.  It was important to ensure that the message about the arrangements were clear, particularly when there was a time lapse between the placement of the bus shelters and the temporary stops actually becoming operational. 


A Member congratulated the Communications team on an excellent piece of work so far and was pleased that every effort had been made to ensure the right information would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Date of Next Meeting

The next Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 January 2017 at 5.30pm.


It was noted that the date of the next meeting would be Wednesday 25 January meeting at 5.30pm in the Civic Centre.