Agenda item

Portfolio Holders Priorities for the Forthcoming Year

Councillor P Wadham (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Transport and Development) and Councillor Mrs S R Brock (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.



Councillors Winterbottom and Newcombe declared a personal interest as members of the Exeter Canal and Quay Trust.


Councillor Wadham presented the following priorities within the Transport and Sustainable Development Portfolio for 2010/11, and covered the following topics:-


  • Long Term Spatial Strategy;
  • The Challenge of Delivering Strategic Sites;
  • Quality of Residential Development;
  • New Growth Point;
  • Affordable Housing;
  • Single Conversation;
  • Climate Change;
  • Bus Station Site;
  • City Centre Enhancements;
  • Long Term Transportation Strategy;
  • Concessionary Travel  
  • Civil Parking Enforcement.


A copy of the briefing note, together with a brief explanation on each priority was attached as an appendix to the report.


The following responses were given: -

  • the Regional Spatial Strategy Housing recommendation was due to be debated at forthcoming meetings of the Planning Member Working Group and Executive. 
  • the Member suggestion for involving and encouraging local talent in some aspect of the design of the city centre enhancements and developments around the city would be investigated.


Councillor Mrs S R Brock presented the following priorities within the Economy and Tourism Portfolio for 2010/11, and covered the following topics:-


  • Economic Development Strategy;
  • Exeter & Heart of Devon Economic Development Partnership;
  • Small Businesses;
  • City Centre Promotion;
  • Canal Basin;
  • Science Park;
  • Inward Investment;
  • Skills and Workforce Development; 
  • Tourism  
  • Employment Land Provision.


A copy of the briefing note, together with a brief explanation on each priority was attached as an appendix to the report.


The following responses were given: -


  • The Head of Economy and Tourism confirmed that the recent transfer of the Northcott Theatre to a new company for the period until March 2011 was progressing. He outlined the administration process, stating that the question over the return of some or all, of the interest free loan to the City Council remained with the administrators and could not be a matter for the new company.  The Council had in principle, committed its grant funding, with the bulk of the grant being subject to the preparation of an appropriate programme for the remainder of the year. He also provided an update on the management and staffing structure now in place.


  • Councillor Mrs Brock referred to the challenges of monitoring the economy in the current financial climate.  The City Council was working in co-operation with a range of partners to support the local economy and progress strategic employment sites such as the Science Park.  It was difficult to respond to the Government’s intention to rationalise public sector finances at this time, but every effort would be made to continue to work in partnership and keep job losses in both the private and public sector low.


  • The Acting Head of Estates referred to the developments at the Canal Basin and the difficulties being experienced by the City Council’s development partners in securing funding to bring forward their schemes.  Cllr Newcombe provided an update on the Outdoor Education Centre advising that the County Council had agreed provisional terms with the Exeter and Canal and Quay Trust in respect of the proposed site.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the comments and priorities presented.




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