Agenda item

Presentation by David Allen, Exeter University

A presentation will be made by David Allen, Deputy Chief Executive of Exeter University on the impact of the proposed Government cuts on the University, its plans and contribution to the local economy as an employer, institution and economic driver.


Councillor Prowse declared a personal interest as a student landlord.


A presentation was made by David Allen, Deputy Chief Executive of Exeter University about their development plans and the contribution made to the local economy as an employer, as an institution and economic driver.  He also spoke about the impact of the spending review on the University and proposals for new graduate contributions. He referred to the University’s proven reputation and provided detailed facts and figures about the two campus sites of Streatham and St Luke’s and student numbers, which in term time made up 12.5% of the city’s population.  He emphasised the University’s contribution to the local economy, which delivered £360 million of additional economic benefit in 2009/10, and was likely to rise to nearly £450 million by 2012.  There had been a significant capital investment both in the academic facilities and student residences with Phase 1 having cost over £300 million, and Phase 2 should be in excess of £80 million. This was matched by careful management to ensure minimal impact on the environment, and the University’s commitment to reduce 60% of their Co2 emissions by 2050.


The University had been working in partnership with a number of organisations throughout the city and been particularly supportive of the case for Exeter and the City Council in the recent Local Enterprise Partnerships consultation.  The University continues together with the City Council to be involved in the development of the Science Park, the growth of the Innovation Centre, as well as the expansion of the medical college and building on a productive relationship with the Met Office.


Members asked the following questions -


  • Whether any future privatisation would affect the working relationship between the Met Office and the University.  David Allen explained that the relationship remained a tangible positive asset for the city, and every effort would be made to maintain dialogue over areas where there was a common interest.


  • Whether the Green Travel Plan was rigorously pursued as the increasing numbers of students who brought their cars to University was an issue.   David Allen advised that students were strongly discouraged from bringing cars to University and together with staff were encouraged to use public transport. There had been a major investment in the D bus, and he would continue to put the message across to students and work with the City Council.


  • What contingency plans were in place if Lord Browne’s proposals for higher education funding were not implemented. David Allen outlined the University’s financial position and the number of opportunities to progress development and employment including the Science Park which was now under way.


  • With just under 15,000 students and increasing numbers now on campus, what targets were set for the future?  David Allen referred to the continued investment and current building programme of student accommodation around the Streatham site to address the pressure on the city’s infrastructure.


  • What assistance could the University offer to help secure the Northcott Theatre's future and if the recent changes in car parking will have an effect on its future.  David Allen outlined the plans for the Theatre and the surrounding area which included a new piazza, landscaped areas and provision for disabled parking.  He felt sure that once finished, the Theatre would be at the heart of a very attractive environment. 


  • What could the City Council do to support the University outside of the planning process and should they be working on a more international basis potentially in association with the University.  David Allen welcomed any opportunity to continue to work in partnership with the City Council.


The Chair thanked David Allen for his very informative presentation.