Agenda item

Operation of Scrutiny within the Council

 To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive –

report circulated.


 The Chair reported on the conclusions of the working party set up by Scrutiny Committee – Resources to review scrutiny arrangements, and consider a number of proposals to develop a more effective operation of Scrutiny within the Council.


He suggested the following focus for discussion - 


·        the way in which the overall work programme is developed, with more concentration of one area or item in greater depth at a particular meeting and a review of other items in a truncated section at the end of the agenda or even through the Councillor web portal on the intranet rather than a lengthy debate at the meeting


·        to develop more working groups as a means of progressing a particular topic, with discussion on a meeting by meeting basis with officers present as resources permit


·        increased involvement of portfolio holders at Scrutiny meetings, ensuring there was a higher profile of the political issues and decisions rather than just the managerial implications


Members welcomed the report and made the following suggestions and comments that:-


·        task groups should be welcomed; portfolio holders should take a more active role at Scrutiny meetings as well as a physical change in seating with officers and portfolio holders facing members of Scrutiny; also if unitary authority status is achieved, then the Council will be scrutinising a wider range of functions and organisations

·        the role of scrutiny should be reinforced with Executive actually being held to account.  A Member welcomed the opportunity to challenge portfolio holders with attendance at scrutiny and taking part in the debate being an integral part of the process

·        information only agenda items could be placed on the intranet with the opportunity to raise questions through the Director or relevant head of service if needed 

·        any Member should be able to attend any of the Scrutiny meetings and speak on any item.  Although aware, the Member was reminded of the existing arrangement, of Standing Order 44, which entitles any Member to attend provided the required 48 hours notice is given 

·        there was some concern that if too much ‘Scrutiny business’ was reduced to the level of a small working group, the collective expertise of scrutiny would be lost, with the adage of more heads being better than one, with open debate.  The Chair referred to the consolidation of business, adding that there would still be the ability for Members to consult him about a particular issue for the Scrutiny agenda or work programme

·        Exeter has the benefit of being a well run authority. The benefits and strength in the current system, with high Member involvement and attendance at Scrutiny should be recognised, compared with other authorities where there may be little opportunity for pre-scrutiny 

·        Members supported setting up a working party to look at the Scrutiny Economy work programme, which would include the Chair and the following Members, Cllrs M A Baldwin, Gale, Noble and Moore


Members’ comments would be reported to the Executive along with the comments of the other Scrutiny Committees and would be followed by further discussions between all the Scrutiny Chairs and the Assistant Chief Executive.


            Scrutiny Committee – Economy requested that the Member comments be reported to Executive.

            (Report circulated)

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