Agenda item

Community - General Fund - Estimates/New Capital Bids/Fees and Charges

To consider the report of the Head of Treasury Services – report circulated.



The Director Community and Environment presented the report on the Community Revenue Account Estimates and Fees and Charges, which outlined the strategic framework within which the estimates had been prepared, changes in accounting practices which affected all budgets and gave detailed reasons for major changes in the Management Unit estimates. Detailed schedules of the capital programme for Community were also attached to the report.


The following responses were given to Members’ queries:


·         good progress was being made by Scrapstore staff with their proposal to continue functioning as a social enterprise or Trust;

·         previous measures, including the use of bailiffs, had been successful in removing unauthorised campers from the Council’s Valley Parks and it was hoped that this improved management would continue;

·         the Whipton Bowling Club, identified for closure, had virtually ceased to operate in the autumn because of low numbers and discussions were being held with the ISCA Centre to ascertain if they wished to make use of the facilities;

·         youth pitch numbers had increased and, because of their size, a greater number could be provided on the same area of land than full size pitches. Resting the Bromhams Farm site would help recovery in an area which experienced drainage problems. Greater partnership with existing sports clubs would also be sought;

·         with features such as remote monitoring, the Home Call system was now in a position to offer a more comprehensive support system than could be provided by simple smoke detectors available from retailers. As such, the cost was greater;

·         licence fees for houses in multiple occupation were governed by Government guidance and needed to reflect the true cost of the service rather than a means of making a profit;

·         street trading consent fees had not been increased over latter years but had now been revised to a more realistic amount;

·         provision of secure equipment storage could best be achieved through investment at Belle Isle Nursery.


It was proposed to introduce charges for use of toilets at the Paris Street Bus Station site and, depending on the success of that, consideration would be given to extending charging to the King William Street and Musgrave Row toilets. The Head of Environmental Health Services explained that the capital costs of installation were incurred in the first year only, with revenue then generated in future years. There were also side benefits to levying a small charge, including reductions in vandalism and abuse.


A Member suggested that Community Toilet Schemes, introduced by other authorities, such as Richmond upon Thames, should be investigated again as she felt that the potential for savings was considerable. The scheme involved the use by the public of toilets within cafes, restaurants and hotels. A Member queried this, referring to his research into the matter, including disruption to clientele, security issues when toilets were adjacent to cloakrooms and additional cleaning of department store toilets necessitated by extra usage.


In response to another Member, the Head of Environmental Health Services confirmed that it was proposed to reduce the number of Community Patrollers from nine to six and he explained the nature of, and rationale behind, these changes as well as associated changes to CCTV Control Room staffing. However, this reduction would necessitate a narrowing of the bandwidth worked by the Community Patrollers which would inevitably lead to certain tasks, such as locking and unlocking parks and cemeteries, being reviewed. The Chair expressed his concern that the anticipated budget savings associated with this proposal would be approved as part of the Council Tax setting process prior to a full report on the revised structure being considered by this Committee.


Scrutiny Committee - Community:


(1)       noted the draft Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 and Fees and Charges for further consideration by the Executive and asked that the concerns expressed in respect of the proposals for the Community Patrol service be conveyed; and


(2)        requested that a comparison between the current system of public toilet provision and that of both a Community Toilet Scheme and a combination of both schemes be undertaken for report back on the most cost effective way forward for the Council in public toilet provision in the City, the report to include any other additional benefits identified for the City.


(Report circulated)


Supporting documents: