Agenda item

Report of the Rail Task and Finish Group

To consider the report of the Projects and Business Manager on behalf of the Rail Task and Finish Group - report circulated


Councillors Prowse and P Brock declared an interest as members of Devon County Council with regard to the discussion relating to the County Council’s Rail Task and Finish Group.

The Projects and Business Manager presented a report on behalf of the Rail Task and Finish Group which had been set up to study issues relating to the rail system in and around Exeter, including the required infrastructure and rolling stock. The aspirations for rail in and around Exeter were considered, including the need for stations at Cranbrook, Newcourt, Monkerton/Hill Barton and Marsh Barton, all of which were considered vital to serve the development being proposed through the Local Development Framework. Members of the Task Group also heard from a number of witnesses associated with the rail industry.

The report referred to the deliberations of the Devon County Council’s Rail Task Group and the need for a concerted approach together with other stakeholders to try to influence the future planning and development of the rail system.

One Member considered the Task Group had been a very worthwhile and positive experience and welcomed the efforts by both the City and County Councils to address future congestion.  A Member expressed concern about the funding of future rail infrastructure including stations, and ensuring there was enough rolling stock. Another Member reiterated the need for both the City and County Council to speak to Government with one voice to ensure that there was adequate future investment in rail. He pointed out that funds from a Community Infrastructure Levy were going to be subject to competing demands, and urged Members to continue to support rail improvements when considering those demands.


Members thanked the Rail Task and Finish Group for their input and Ross Hussey for a very comprehensive and thorough report.


Scrutiny Committee – Community supported the recommendation that :-

(a)     Devon County Council’s “Devon Metro” proposals be endorsed, and that City Council members and officers actively support the process of making them a reality;

(b)     the principle of working with Devon County Council and other public and private sector stakeholders to lobby for rail improvements be endorsed:-

(i)      with prospective supporters to include Exeter businesses, Exeter Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the University of Exeter, Exeter Airport, Travel Watch South West, the local media, MPs and MEPs;

(ii)     with prospective drivers of the process to include the Exeter and East Devon New Growth Point Steering Board, the Exeter and Heart of Devon Economic Partnership, and the emerging Local Enterprise Partnership;

(iii)     with specific objectives being:-

·         the need for procurement of a new fleet of diesel multiple units, to address a national shortage and enable sufficient rolling stock to be allocated to the south west;

·         cascades of suitable rolling stock if opportunities arise;

·         a review by Network Rail of the Great Western Route Utilisation Strategy to reflect the increase in passenger numbers in excess of predictions;

·         the inclusion of the Devon Metro improvements in new franchises, and in resignalling schemes;

(c)     all opportunities be taken to secure funding for Devon Metro, including financial  contributions from developers (through section 106 agreements or the Community Infrastructure Levy) as well as the safeguarding of land; and

(d)     the Projects and Business Manager to provide members periodically with summary sheets in relation to key issues, in advance of the critical dates identified in the report.



(Report circulated)  


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