Agenda item

Portfolio Holders to Present their Priorities for the Forthcoming Year

Councillor R Sutton (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Transport and Development) and Councillor R Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.


Councillor Bialyk declared a personal interest as a member of the Exeter Bus and Coach Station Social Club.

Councillor Mrs Thompson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to being a landowner in the Monkerton Master Plan area and took no part in any discussion on that subject.

Councillor Prowse declared an interest as a Member of Devon County Council.

Councillor Morris declared an interest as a member of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW)

Councillor Payne declared an interest as an employee of Exeter College.


Councillor Sutton presented the following priorities within the Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio for 2011/12. A copy of the briefing note, together with a brief explanation on each priority will be attached as an appendix to these minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions: -


  • the feasibility study will look at a number of options for the redevelopment of the Bus and Coach Station site, and although the bus terminal would have a central presence, it was not clear where that would be. The concern about ensuring the design and location would be in a place that people wanted to use was noted. The Director added that many features including safety and Highway concern, as well as the bus operator’s requirements for passenger movements and bus maintenance would be fed into the design process.


  • plans for the enhancement of Cowick Street were now being drawn up in detail, with work due to commence towards the end of the calendar year.


  • the Director stated that the CIL was a national initiative, with the rate dependent on house values, but every effort would be made to bring forward a common charging schedule.  Some of the revenue would be used to improve local infrastructure including rail and road, for the benefit of Exeter residents as well as those visiting the city for work and leisure. The infrastructure offset will be captured by the CIL, with no additional burden for house buyers or those renting.


·         although the Harbour Revision Authority had not made its final report, no changes in navigation on the Exeter Canal were anticipated. 


·         officers would be asked to look into the individual patronage and revenue derived from off street parking. (The Chair suggested a Working Party might be convened to look at this in more depth.)


·         a response would be made to a Member’s enquiry about the formal appeals procedure in relation to a particular instance of parking enforcement.


  • the positive comments on improvements to the entrance to Gandy Street were welcomed. 


Councillor Denham presented the following priorities within the Economy and Tourism Portfolio for 2011/12. A copy of the briefing note, together with a brief explanation on each priority was attached as an appendix to these minutes..


The following responses were given to Members’ questions and comments:-


  • the increase in youth unemployment and decline of local apprenticeships were still areas of concern, but the Council would look to take advantage of any employment and training opportunities from new construction sites in the city.  The Council has also been working with local colleges and Job Centre Plus to identify opportunities for young people to gain vital work experience.


  • the suggestion of inviting Richard Atkins, Principal of Exeter College to a future meeting would be pursued.


  • there was disappointment that Exeter did not have a seat on the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Board.  However, there should be the opportunity for continued dialogue through the newly reconstituted Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board, as they will be offering a seat to the LEP’s private sector business representative covering the Exeter area.  Details of the nomination were expected shortly.


  • initiatives such as the development of a Business Improvement District (BID) should help address some of the challenges facing Exeter’s less viable shopping centres. The City Centre Vision for a Green Capital (to be discussed later on the agenda) should also ensure that the city centre does not just revolve around new developments such as Princesshay and John Lewis, with other parts of the city centre being forgotten.


  • every effort was being made to fill the city centre’s vacant retail outlets.


 Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the achievements and priorities presented.



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