Agenda item

Impact of Supporting People Funding Cuts by Devon County Council

To consider the report of the Acting Head of Housing Services – report circulated



Councillor Newcombe declared a personal interest as a Member of Devon County Council and Chair of the County Council’s People’s Scrutiny Committee.


The Acting Head of Housing Services presented the report advising Members of the impact of the cuts made to homelessness services by Devon County Council.


Councillor Newcombe, Chair of the County Council’s People’s Scrutiny Committee, advised that a County Council Scrutiny task group was to meet to investigate the support of vulnerable people in communities together with the proposed changes to the Supporting People Service and representatives from District Councils and other agencies would be invited to give evidence. She confirmed that both Councillors and officers from District Councils would be invited to attend.


Members expressed grave concern at the potential impact of any further reductions in former Supporting People funding and the possible impact of any new arrangements for how targeted support services are allocated and provided.


Councillor Clark moved and Councillors Branston and Morris seconded the following motion which was passed unanimously:-


Exeter City Council’s Scrutiny Committee - Community is extremely concerned about the overall effects for homeless and vulnerable people in Exeter with the loss of 204 supported bed spaces across the City as a result of cuts made by Devon County Council in last year’s budget.


The Committee notes that:


1.         Housing Associations and charities which provide the accommodation have not been able to sustain their projects without this vital additional funding for support services for people with complex needs. An example is the closure of the Bridge Project, run by Bournemouth Churches Housing Association, which provided 14 units of dispersed accommodation for rough sleepers who were living on the streets.


2.         For people presenting as homeless to the City Council, the additional Supporting People budget provided good quality support services, in addition to housing units, which enabled these tenancies to be maintained. This was a vital factor in preventing failure and subsequent repeat homelessness. The support given to each tenant also enabled them to gain life skills and move onto medium support accommodation.


3.         From April 2011, the Supporting People budget has been absorbed into Adult Community Services.


4.         Homelessness services in Exeter are now purchased on a spot contract basis with a budget of £112,000.


5.         We are concerned that the proposed move to a ‘trusted assessor’ service to manage the assessment and referral process to providers will create an additional organisation to carry out this function with no additional money, therefore, using money from reduced existing budgets for homelessness.


The Committee believes that it is imperative that this budget is not further reduced in the 2012/13 budget proposals and, indeed, should be increased if another organisation is created to assess need and make referrals.


The Scrutiny Committee - Community therefore resolves that:-


(1)        Councillor J. Hart, the Leader of Devon County Council and Councillor S. Barker, the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Social Care, be invited to the next meeting of this Committee to respond to the above issues; and


(2)        this issue be brought to the attention of the two Members of Parliament for Exeter, Ben Bradshaw MP and Hugo Swire MP to make them aware of the Committee’s concern.


(Report circulated)


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