Agenda item

Bus and Coach Station Area Development Principles

To consider the report of the Director of Economy and Development – report circulated



Councillor Bialyk declared a personal interest as a member of the Exeter Transport Social Club. Councillor Wardle declared a personal interest as a member of the Exeter Civic Society.


The Director Economy and Development presented the report which considered the development principles that had been prepared to guide development of the Bus and Coach Station area and ensure the key principles are delivered. The report also sought Executive approval for the principles for engagement with key stakeholders and the public.  Over the last 18 months, the City Council had been working on a series of workshops looking at the principles that will inform the master plan proposals and ensure that any development will contribute to the high quality public realm and the economy of the rest of the city. The Director outlined the main principles of development which will be used to test development proposals for the Bus and Coach Station area.


A public consultation exercise will take place from the 19 March, aimed at both the public and stakeholders.  The consultation will include two road show events in Bedford Street and Sidwell Street; two briefings aimed at stakeholders but open to the public; a static display in the Customer Service Centre at the Civic Centre; an article in the City Council’s newspaper, The Citizen and a web site presentation.  Following a comment made by a Member, a further report including feedback from the consultation would be made to Scrutiny - Economy before being considered by the June Executive meeting.


Members supported the proposals and made the following comments - 


  • following the redevelopment of the bus and coach station and the area around John Lewis, would there be any knock on effect at the top end of Sidwell Street? The Director responded stating that a conscious effort would be made to ensure the peripheral parts of the area were protected. The redevelopment of the area will change the character and make the environs around Sidwell Street into a new and very distinct quarter.


  • this will be a good part of the city to change and hopefully create a new vibrancy.  It was critical to have a strategic development of the entire area and to forge a new identity.


  • whether the Bus Station would be adequate for the future needs of the city?  It was important to have a welcoming environment to meet the needs of the many vulnerable people who use it, particularly at night when such places would not be staffed to the same level.


  • the consultation should also include not only the bus operators but also their staff, the trade unions and passenger groups and engage as many people in the process and be aware of their experiences as members of the travelling public.


  • to include the smaller independent bus and coach companies that use the bus station in the consultation.  The Member also suggested including conservation groups The Director advised that the list of stakeholders would be emailed to Members of the Committee.


  • the prospect of individually designed elements for the site will be exciting for the city.  The Member looked forward to the prospect, and reiterated the comments already made that the upper end of Sidwell Street would not be forgotten.  The Director advised that, at this stage, it was not clear how much and how the site would be redeveloped, but there would be no development beyond York Road. Two elements of the bus station operation need to be relocated, the bus depot and lay over facility. This will be challenging to achieve.


  • whether there were any plans for the Harlequins Centre? The Director was aware of vacant units, but the Harlequins Centre was in private sector ownership. It was important to be clear about the long term vision and lifecycle of the city. In the next decade, he anticipated looking further to other parts of the city, such as Fore Street and the area around the Corn Exchange to meet the next challenges.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported and requested the Executive to approve the Development Principles for the purpose of an engagement exercise with key stakeholders and the public.


(Report circulated)








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