Agenda item

Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012 - 2016

To consider the report the Head of Economy and Tourism – report circulated


Councillor Dawson declared a personal interest as an employee of Exeter University. Councillor Choules declared a personal interest as an employee of Exeter University.


The Head of Economy and Tourism presented the final draft of the Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012 – 2016.  A copy of the Strategy including the proposed Action Plan was circulated with the report, and was also available on the Council web site.  The initial draft had been considered by Members at the September meeting of the Scrutiny Committee and followed by a period of consultation.  A summary of the consultees and the comments of key industry organisations, relevant partners and agencies were also circulated to Members.


The report set out the Strategy’s aims and priorities and the key issue being to maintain and improve visitor numbers to support the employment and businesses which depend on visitor expenditure. The City Council will also continue to work in partnership with neighbouring authorities, and tourism businesses who have also made a significant investment in pooling revenue to ensure there is a concerted effort at effectively promoting the area.


Members welcomed the report and Strategy and made the following comments: - 


  • although there were aspirations for future Park and Ride sites and the development of the Coach and Bus Station, there were concerns that many visitors arriving by car were adding to the city’s traffic problems. The redevelopment of the King William Street Car Park would also temporarily add to the congestion. The Tourism Development Manager referred to the Strategy’s action plan and the efforts being made to work with transport providers to encourage visitors to use a range of public transport options including ticketing schemes, such as advanced and joint ticketing.


The Director Economy and Development added that anticipated public transport requirements to meet the future needs of the city would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee. 


  • whether the City Council had any influence on Stagecoach services, with reduced services on public holidays which could cause problems for the travelling public? The Head of Economy and Tourism reminded Members that, whilst there were a number of specific initiatives and promotions which benefited the public, ultimately Stagecoach had to operate a commercial business.


Members considered it would be useful to request Stagecoach to attend a future meeting to respond to such issues.


  • have the occupancy rates for the city’s hotels stood up against the recent increase in hotel developments, and are there plans for more budget hotel chains to increase visitor choices? The Tourism Development Manager confirmed that the business occupancy and weekend visitor levels remained fairly constant throughout the year. Exeter had a range of accommodation but generally provided quality accommodation, which could come at a price.  The Director Economy and Development stated that the city’s planners received many enquiries from hotel developers and an application was currently being considered for a competively priced hotel chain in the city centre.


  • whether there were any proposals for a large city centre theatre or concert venue? The Head of Economy and Tourism stated that the challenge remained to attract sufficient numbers to make such venues viable. It should also be acknowledged that venues in nearby Torbay and Plymouth received significant local authority and Arts Council contributions towards their operational running costs.


  • on plans for any celebrations to mark the 400th anniversary of the opening of Northernhay Gardens, which would be an ideal opportunity to mark the importance of the opening of the first public open space in the country. This could be incorporated into an event in the festival season. The Head of Economy and Tourism would follow up this suggestion.


Scrutiny Economy supported and recommended approval by the Executive of the adoption of the final draft Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012 – 2016.


(Report circulated)

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