Agenda item


Councillor Sutton (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Scrutiny Committee’s work programme.


Councillor Pearson declared a personal interest as an employee of the Exeter Phoenix.


Councillor Sutton presented the following priorities within the Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio for 2012/13. A copy of the report is attached as an appendix to the minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions: -


  • The enhancement of Central Station had progressed significantly and the City Council’s contribution had been added to that made by Network Rail and Devon County Council.  That element of the project had now been signed off.


  • Work had been undertaken on behalf of a number of comparator authorities to ensure that an appropriate level of the Communities Infrastructure Levy (CIL) had been set. If the Levy was set too high, that could discourage house builders or if too low, insufficient funds would be available to deliver the infrastructure needed. Where possible the benefits of CIL would be kept local, though a certain level would go to Devon County Council to deliver local infrastructure such as roads and schools.


  • The City Council was mindful of the need to encourage developers to employ local people, particularly on larger projects. Although, many of the volume house builders were nationally based, they had regional offices which employed local people, and local firms were often involved in some capacity. Many of these companies, as well as the City Council, promoted apprenticeship schemes. 


  • A web site had been developed though the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport would encourage the details of procurement to be included on the website, so that local people could also access the necessary information about forthcoming projects.


  • The importance of ensuring that planned play areas included in new developments were in place as soon as houses were occupied, as well as the appropriate maintenance, was acknowledged. A suggestion that the developers should be required to provide these facilities before being able to start another development would be unrealistic to enforce.


  • The significance of an active Park and Ride on the south side of the city was acknowledged.


Councillor Denham presented the following priorities within the Economy and Tourism Portfolio for 2012/13. A copy of the report is attached as an appendix to the minutes. 


The following responses were given to Members’ questions and comments:-


  • A more targeted business support approach for the start-up of businesses made best use of a limited resource. There was additional support through coordinated activities at Exeter University’s Innovation Centre to reach as many people as possible. The Assistant Director Economy added that whilst he accepted the Member’s comments on widening the support, the thrust of the work remained to support new businesses during the vulnerable first few months of their new business.


  • The City Council’s commitment to progress apprenticeship schemes was acknowledged and every practical effort would be made to develop this further.


A response would be made to a Member who had enquired about the provision of super fast broadband across the city. 


Councillor Denham wished to place on record the thanks and appreciation of Scrutiny Committee –Economy for the hard work by the Festival and Events Manager and her team during the Olympic torch celebrations.  The event had been very successful and had showcased the city to a wide audience. 


 Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the achievements and priorities presented.












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