Agenda item

University of Exeter

To welcome Gilly Court, Director of Operations of Campus Services, University of Exeter.



Councillors Choules and Dawson declared personal interests as employees of the University of Exeter.


The Chair welcomed Jilly Court, the University’s Director of Operations of Campus Services. She set out in her presentation the achievements and strategic objectives of the University and how it was working together with other partners in the City. She detailed the on-going and proactive work undertaken by the University in the community much of which reflected the Council’s aspirations. These included “StreetWise” - a non-emergency call service, student wardens, refuse, sustainability and noise and anti social behaviour initiatives. Rory Cunningham - the Community Liaison Officer - was particularly active and successful in respect of the latter issues. She detailed future community initiatives such as an increase in disposal of student refuse, joint work with the Exeter Night Time Economy Forum, support of Landlord Accreditation and further Resident Liaison Group meetings. Suggestions for improved joint working were also put forward.


She responded as follows to Members’ queries:-


·         the University’s leisure facilities were open to the public including schools and sporting groups although there was a limitation on capacity especially during term time. Phil Atwell, the University’s Director of Sport, was involved in current discussions on the Bus Station site and the proposals for a new swimming pool;

·         there was some spare capacity in student accommodation due to there being a slight decrease in Undergraduate numbers in September 2012, primarily due to the University maintaining the quality of students entering with a minimum of two A’s and one B grade at A Level. There was also a decrease in the number of students deferring in September 2011 which would come through this year. The University owned or managed 5,500 purpose built student accommodation units and discussions were being held with City Council planning and housing officers with a view to possibly utilising some student units on a short term basis in order to support the Council’s housing needs;

·         care was taken to ensure the appropriate management of the mix of home, EU and overseas students. The University was obliged to meet targets in respect of “widening participation” to encourage students from different backgrounds and schools. There were also policies in place to offer financial and social support to ensure the effective integration of all students. Of the 2011 intake, 5% were of Exeter and Devon origin which was significantly lower than the metropolitan Universities such as Manchester and Birmingham where there was a greater proportion of female and ethnic students many of whom lived at home within these Cities; and

·         liaison with local communities was often achieved through working with groupings of residents, community associations etc. Local Members were welcome to pass on news of the University’s initiatives highlighted in the presentation on an individual basis to residents.


Members thanked Ms Court for her presentation. They were particularly appreciative of Rory Cunningham’s role and work. The Chair also thanked her and remarked on the very important and longstanding relationship between the University and the City and suggested a further presentation at a future date.