Agenda item


Councillor Sutton (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present their respective reports and take questions – respective reports circulated



Councillor Denham presented a progress report on priorities within the Economy and Tourism Portfolio for the forthcoming year. Responses to Members’ comments and queries are set out below:-

  • discussion on the relocation of the bus park for the proposed Bus and Coach Station was ongoing. When a realistic alternative to the Exmouth Junction site had been formally identified, Members would be involved in that process.


  • the expansion of cultural activities in the city, including more innovative visual art projects should enable more unconventional spaces for performance to be identified.


  • a register of commercial lets and employment sites were available on the Council’s web site, but it was agreed that there was a need to increase awareness of the available database and support offered by officers to locate suitable accommodation for new and relocating organisations.  


  • there should be a cross section of representatives including local Councillors and traders to discuss ways of improving the public realm.  St Thomas Community Association was an example of a group who have galvanised support and driven forward a commitment to improve the local environment.  It was important to ensure there was support for other parts of the city to develop a social infrastructure, and opportunities to stimulate funding from funding streams such as the New Homes Bonus should be investigated.  The interest expressed at the meeting to look at continuing the work started in Heavitree was noted.


Councillor Sutton presented a progress report on priorities within the Transport and Sustainable Development Portfolio for the forthcoming year. Responses to Members’ comments and queries are set out below:-


  • the annual report on parking tariffs would be made to the November meeting of Executive. The Strategic Director suggested if any Member wished to make a comment to contact one of their Executive colleagues, or the Assistant Director Public Realm.


  • the Boundary Commission determined changes to boundaries on a rolling basis, with the most pressing areas likely to be considered first. Any comments should be directed to them in the first instance.


  • a sample of the Princesshay artwork was on temporary display in Roman Walk.  The City Council had contributed £40,000 to the project with an equal contribution by Land Securities.  A cross party group of Members had agreed the design as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The art work would be installed on the curved wall of the Princesshay car park.


  • the £3million contribution from the City Council to upgrade the city’s flood defences was a substantial sum for a local authority to find, and every effort should be made to lobby Central Government to increase the support. It was important to have an effective partnership with the Environment Agency, the County Council, the LEP and local businesses particularly in low lying areas such as Marsh Barton.


  • work on an open space strategy, looking at public space had commenced, but needed to be set in the context of the Council’s Transformation Programme and restructured as part of the way the Council’s services are delivered. An update in terms of the timescale would be provided at the next Scrutiny Committee - Economy meeting


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the priorities presented for the Economy and Tourism and Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolios for the forthcoming year.  


(Reports circulated)


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