Agenda item


Richard Cohen, Deputy Chief Executive, East Devon District Council - Development Regeneration and Partnership will attend the meeting to talk about the shared economic development agenda and the challenges and opportunities facing the area from an East Devon perspective.



The Chair welcomed Richard Cohen, Deputy Chief Executive of East Devon District Council, to the meeting.  He spoke about the co-operation between the two authorities, and referred to their common interest in developing significant growth to enable both areas to be as competitive as possible. He commented on the challenges and strategic issues facing East Devon including -


  • Health issues against an ageing population
  • Employment and Education and the efforts to drive up skill levels
  • Environmental issues including managing recycling rates and access to and protection of the countryside
  • Climate change, including dealing with the potential for significant flooding


Other changes in the population including an ageing profile, lower birth rate, young people finding it increasingly difficult to stay in the area, increased housing demand all provided pressures, which the Council was working hard to respond to as part of the Local Plan provision. It has identified 15,000 new homes and 170 hectares of employment land and final consultation was about to begin, with the formal Inspection in summer 2013.  There would be significant opportunities, but it was recognised that this will be a challenging period and communication with the local community remained a vital part of the process.  Mr Cohen concluded the presentation by referring to the shared vision with Exeter City Council to:-


  • focus on the Growth Point and develop employment and community growth
  • have a stronger voice with Government to lobby for further investment
  • identify challenges and opportunities to champion jointly with the LEP,  Devon County Council and Central Government  
  • develop the decision making process in relation to tighter resources against a backdrop of divergent demands 
  • develop infrastructure such as the Airport, Rail, and Superfast Broadband 


Mr Cohen responded to Members’ comments on the need to ensure there was an adequate range of employment, particularly for young people who needed good jobs and affordable homes. He acknowledged the comments made by Members on the potential for increased traffic levels from the planned development on the east side of the city. He responded to a comment on the A30 and A303 by advising that some support work had been undertaken by Somerset County Council with East Devon colleagues and the dualling of the A303 remained a key objective. The lack of post 16 education provision in Exmouth remained a concern, particularly as students had few options but to travel to Bicton, Exeter or further afield to Dorset or Somerset.  It was an aspiration to encourage a College or educational satellite site to the town. Members acknowledged the development challenges faced by Exmouth and the need to freshen the image and increase the vibrancy.


Opportunities to secure funding for new infrastructure had also changed, East Devon District Council and its partners, including Exeter City Council, worked hard to keep on securing funding and it now presented more of a challenge.  It was important to lobby as a partnership and joint negotiations should start to gather momentum and help build confidence in the private sector, albeit reluctantly. A Member referred to the Intermodal Freight Facility (IMF) which he hoped would help reduce the high levels of HGV traffic travelling through Exeter.  Mr Cohen stated that projects such as the IMF were in the hands of the Church Commissioners, but further consultation was taking place.


The Chair thanked Mr Cohen for his presentation.