Agenda item

Parking Tariffs

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Public Realm.


(Report circulated)


(Minute 107)


The report of the Assistant Director Public Realm was submitted seeking agreement to the proposed changes to the banding of parking tariffs set out in the report and annex and to consequent changes in tariff levels with effect from 21 January 2013. The report proposed implementation of the recommendations of the all-party Car Parks Task and Finish Group to create four tariff bands with some consequent changes to tariffs (both up and down) in individual car parks.


Councillor Crow spoke on this item under Standing Order 44 drawing attention to the potential impact of removing the restriction on long-stay parking in the Gordons Place (Fore Street, Heavitree) car park.  She was concerned that the spaces would be taken up by local workers and would not be available for shoppers for whom they were primarily intended.  Executive accepted that this was an issue which should be addressed.


Councillor Baldwin spoke on this item under Standing Order 44. She felt that the inclusion of Topsham Quay within Tariff Band 2 as a Short Stay Car Park was an anomaly and drew attention to a 1000 signature petition and letters from traders on the issue.  She considered this to be misplaced in relation to the Exeter Cathedral and Quay car park which was classed as a Long Stay Visitors’ Car Park.  She also considered the inclusion of Matthews Hall Car park within Tariff Band B alongside large city car park to be inappropriate.  She commented on inadequate signage to the Tappers Close and Holman Way car parks, making these hard for visitors to find.   


Councillor Prowse spoke on this item under Standing Order 44, declaring an interest as a member of Devon County Council. He emphasised the need to ensure that the City Council’s car parking tariffs were set at an appropriate level in comparison with on-street parking charges to ensure that the Council met income targets.


Responding to the points raised, the Portfolio Holder Sustainable Development and Transport stated that the categorisation of Topsham Quay as a short stay shoppers car park reflected the desire to encourage visitor turnover for the benefit of traders.  Consideration of some form of scheme for traders at Matthews Hall should be undertaken at a later stage as part of an overall review of permit arrangements in all car parks, acknowledging the demand generated by the Saturday Markets in the hall.  The Portfolio Holder accepted the need to address the issue relating to the Gordons Place, Heavitree car park.  She proposed that discussions should be held with Devon County Council regarding improved signage to car parks, and that a colour-coding system to identify the relevant tariff band should be pursued when publicising the City Council’s own car parks.


Executive commended the all-party Car Parks Task and Finish Group on their work noting that they had focussed on the banding of car parks and that the issue of charges had been outside their remit.  Members acknowledged that parking income represented a significant revenue stream for the Council and were aware that there had been no increase in charges in the large majority of car parks in the last two years.  One member commented that the decreased time bands for parking in many car parks equated to an increase in charges.  Executive members were pleased to note that the projected income on car parks overall was on target indicating that the Council’s pricing strategy was about right. They supported a request for details of the 5 year trend in car park usage and revenue. They were informed of the significant increase in the income from the John Lewis Car Park in October this year compared with the previous year and welcomed the positive impact of the John Lewis store on the City’s economy.     


Executive resolved that:-


(1)     the proposed car parking tariff structure and charges set out in the report be supported, subject to retaining a maximum stay of 3 hours in respect of Gordons Place, Heavitree;

(2)     notice of intention be given to make a Parking Places Amendment Order to revise the City of Exeter (Civil Enforcement Off Street Parking Places) Order 2012 to enable all the changes proposed in the report and annex, subject to the amendment noted above, to come into effect on 21 January 2013;

(3)     authority to consider any objections be delegated to the relevant Strategic Director in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport;

(4)     subject to consideration of any objections, the Order be made and sealed; and


(5)     improved signage on the highway be discussed with Devon County Council.




The report of the Assistant Director Public Realm was submitted seeking agreement to the proposed changes to the banding of parking tariffs set out in the report and annex and to consequent changes in tariff levels with effect from 21 January 2013. The report proposed implementation of the recommendations of the all-party Car Parks Task and Finish Group to create four tariff bands with some consequent changes to tariffs (both up and down) in individual car parks.


Councillor Crow spoke on this item under Standing Order 44 drawing attention to the potential impact of removing the restriction on long-stay parking in the Gordons Place (Fore Street, Heavitree) car park.  She was concerned that the spaces would be taken up by local workers and would not be available for shoppers for whom they were primarily intended.  Executive accepted that this was an issue which should be addressed.


Councillor Baldwin spoke on this item under Standing Order 44. She felt that the inclusion of Topsham Quay within Tariff Band 2 as a Short Stay Car Park was an anomaly and drew attention to a 1000 signature petition and letters from traders on the issue.  She considered this to be misplaced in relation to the Exeter Cathedral and Quay car park which was classed as a Long Stay Visitors’ Car Park.  She also considered the inclusion of Matthews Hall Car park within Tariff Band B alongside large city car park to be inappropriate.  She commented on inadequate signage to the Tappers Close and Holman Way car parks, making these hard for visitors to find.   


Councillor Prowse spoke on this item under Standing Order 44, declaring an interest as a member of Devon County Council. He emphasised the need to ensure that the City Council’s car parking tariffs were set at an appropriate level in comparison with on-street parking charges to ensure that the Council met income targets.


Responding to the points raised, the Portfolio Holder Sustainable Development and Transport stated that the categorisation of Topsham Quay as a short stay shoppers car park reflected the desire to encourage visitor turnover for the benefit of traders.  Consideration of some form of scheme for traders at Matthews Hall should be undertaken at a later stage as part of an overall review of permit arrangements in all car parks, acknowledging the demand generated by the Saturday Markets in the hall.  The Portfolio Holder accepted the need to address the issue relating to the Gordons Place, Heavitree car park.  She proposed that discussions should be held with Devon County Council regarding improved signage to car parks, and that a colour-coding system to identify the relevant tariff band should be pursued when publicising the City Council’s own car parks.


Executive commended the all-party Car Parks Task and Finish Group on their work, noting that they had focussed on the banding of car parks and that the issue of charges had been outside their remit.  Members acknowledged that parking income represented a significant revenue stream for the Council and were aware that there had been no increase in charges in the large majority of car parks in the last two years.  One member commented that the decreased time bands for parking in many car parks equated to an increase in charges.  Executive members were pleased to note that the projected income on car parks overall was on target indicating that the Council’s pricing strategy was about right. They supported a request for details of the 5 year trend in car park usage and revenue. They were informed of the significant increase in the income from the John Lewis Car Park in October this year compared with the previous year and welcomed the positive impact of the John Lewis store on the City’s economy.     




(1)     the proposed car parking tariff structure and charges set out in the report be supported, subject to retaining a maximum stay of 3 hours in respect of Gordons Place, Heavitree;

(2)     notice of intention be given to make a Parking Places Amendment Order to revise the City of Exeter (Civil Enforcement Off Street Parking Places) Order 2012 to enable all the changes proposed in the report and annex, subject to the amendment noted above, to come into effect on 21 January 2013;

(3)     authority to consider any objections be delegated to the relevant Strategic Director in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport;

(4)     subject to consideration of any objections, the Order be made and sealed; and


(5)     improved signage on the highway be discussed with Devon County Council.


(Report circulated)

Supporting documents: