Agenda item

Portfolio Holders to present the priorities for the forthcoming year.

Councillors D. Baldwin (Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion) and Boyle (Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure) will present a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.



Councillor D. Baldwin presented the following priorities within the Housing and Social Inclusion Portfolio for the forthcoming year:-

·        to work to maintain Exeter’s top position in the South West for the per capita provision of new affordable homes for rent and shared ownership, to prevent as much homelessness as possible and to further reduce the number of households in temporary accommodation;

·        to build on the successful implementation of the licensing provisions of the Housing Act 2004 having licensed nearly 700 houses in multiple occupancy;

·        to train all private sector and Council grant staff in the Housing Health and Safety Rating System;

·        to build on the award of over £1 million in grants to less-well-off home-owners and people with disabilities and to help to keep their homes fit to live in;

·        to build 100 new affordable homes across the City and seek funding for future years;

·        to further reduce the number of households in temporary accommodation below 220;

·        to work with the elected Tenants’ and Leaseholders’ Committee to give residents from across the City a greater say in the management of their homes;

·        to conduct a full Tenant Census and use the findings to ensure services are tailored to an individual’s needs;

·        to continue to work towards the Decent Homes standard and continue the bathroom replacement programme;

·        to further increase the energy efficiency of the City’s homes;

·        to continue regular neighbourhood inspections and include residents in drawing up action plans for improvement;

·        to undertake a mock inspection of the housing landlord services to help improve the quality of services provided;

·        to further reduce void turnaround times by using a void incentive scheme to reduce the cost of rubbish removal from empty properties; and

·        to use a range of incentives to encourage better behaviour and to ensure improved rent payments from tenants.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions:-


·        housing associations, through joint meetings etc. were encouraged to adopt policies similar to those of the Council on the management of anti-social behaviour;

·        the private sector housing team comprised five staff members and had licensed over 600 higher-risk houses in multiple occupation as part of Mandatory HMO Licensing. Licensing required the Council to carry out a full premises inspection within a five-year period using the new Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). In the previous quarter, 20 improvement notices and one emergency renewal action notice had been issued by officers in response to poor conditions found; and

·        various methods were used to identify landlords (e.g. land registry searches, council tax and housing benefits records). Although it was more difficult to deal with landlords not resident in the Exeter area, the Council was still able to take appropriate action. Officers had identified a growing problem with overcrowded dwellings, particularly in relation to migrant workers. However, the Council had new powers to address such overcrowding.



Councillor Boyle presented the following priorities within the Environment and Leisure Portfolio for the forthcoming year:-


·        continue to maximise recycling opportunities and increase the recycling rate to a minimum of 35% by the end of the year, with a target of 40% by 2010;

·        investigate the setting up, within the existing trade-waste collection service, of a recyclable collection in order to maximise recycling opportunities to trade customers;

·        undertake a “responsible smokers” campaign by providing public information and more cigarette bins and working with the commercial sector to ensure a smooth implementation when the public-smoking ban comes into force in July 2007;

·        construct new public toilets at the Matford and Honiton Road Park and Ride sites, to include disabled and baby-changing facilities;

·        continue to respond positively to the provisions of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 by actively enforcing the new dog control orders, littering legislation and the alarm notification area for the City;

·        work with Devon County Council to draft the City's Air Quality Action Plan for the new air quality management area;

·        work towards obtaining a Local Act of Parliament to enhance powers to control unregulated street trading;

·        to build a new swimming pool to replace the Pyramids. It is believed that a city centre site will give optimum accessibility for all Exeter residents, be family-friendly, include other related facilities and provide a pleasant area for social interaction after swimming;

·        seek to provide another temporary ice rink in the city centre over the Christmas period;

·        open the Ark (the new museum store) and move the contents of RAMM to it so that the refurbishment and extension can begin;

·        begin a major programme of projects and events during the closure of the main RAMM building, to include West Exe: A Sense of Place, which will produce an on-line gallery, temporary exhibitions in the Guildhall, schools and libraries and start to tour with RAMM in a Van;

·        start a new programme of public education and interpretation events in the Valley Parks;

·        create new parks at Summerway, Wyvern and Digby, all with play areas and teen facilities, plus other new and refurbished play facilities;

·        develop the Free Play City project to include increased numbers of Play Rangers, improved marketing of the City’s free play facilities and activities and develop improved trails and activity areas in valley parks;

·        reincorporate the old Orchard Adventure Playground into Mincinglake Valley Park;

·        Floodlight the Flowerpot Chill Zone;

·        apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund to renovate Rougemont and Northernhay Gardens;

·        manage the Equal Opportunities Programme set for 2007/8 to improve access at Council sites; and

·        refurbish Hamlin Lane and King George V changing rooms to improve facilities for users.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions:-

·        a report on the potential of the Clifton Hill site for a new swimming pool would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee;

·            the Licensing Team undertook enforcement work over the Christmas period in respect of street traders in the High Street and prosecutions had been pursued where possible. Those traders with peddler’s licences and who used a stand with wheels were exempt from action under the relevant legislation; Ben Bradshaw MP had been asked to lobby with other local authorities for the introduction of a Private Act of Parliament to introduce tighter controls.


Members referred to concerns that there was an increasing problem in respect of dog fouling in the City and that additional resources were necessary to ensure that owners picked up after their dogs. It had been suggested that there were insufficient bins in certain areas of the City and one Member felt that additional bins could be provided as part of new housing developments through the Section 106 process. Members were advised that over the last eight months around 160 fixed penalty notices had been issued and a number of prosecutions successfully undertaken in respect of dog fouling. A review of bin location and use was to be undertaken in July and consideration was also being given to training the Community Patrollers to enforce in this area of work. Current Cleansing resources were at capacity with an average of 60 bins emptied daily and the waste deposited at the North Devon land fill site. It was suggested that a working group be set up to examine the issues raised in respect of the collection and disposal of dog waste. 


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported  the setting up of a Dogs Working Group to comprise Councillors Choules, Mrs Danks, Newton, Robson and one other from the Conservative Group.