Agenda item

City Centre Strategy for Exeter 2007 - 2012

To consider a joint report of the City Centre Manager and Projects Officer, Economy and Development Directorate

– report circulated.


The City Centre Manager presented a report, outlining the draft City Centre Strategy for Exeter 2007 – 2012, and gave a presentation that provided the background and context from which the Strategy had been developed. He outlined detail behind the Strategy’s four main aims to :-


·                          Secure and build on Exeter City Centre’s competitive advantage

·                          Give a Better First Impression

·                          Deliver a vibrant centre which offers attractions for all

·                          Achieve an even safer environment


The City Centre Manager responded to the following Member questions:-


·              that a range of initiatives have made a positive contribution to dealing with anti-social behaviour, including additional city centre PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers), city centre CCTV, EBAC (Exeter Businesses Against Crime) and ‘designing-out’ crime and anti-social behaviour.  Every effort is being made to encourage as many restaurants and cafes to open for as long as possible, as well as extending retail hours and make a connection between the day time and evening economy.

·              the Director confirmed that the planned Bus Station redevelopment timetable (planning consent targeted for 2012) was challenging and that there were no plans to site an indoor market in that location. There were also no plans to re-site the Farmers Market as the difficulties of finding a central location, which could be effectively serviced were well documented. Members have taken the decision to invest in the present site with new stalls, but an open mind will be kept if any future options arise.

·              although there is currently no specific detail relating to improving the environment of Little Queen Street and the surrounding area, a range of issues affecting Gandy Street including aggressive begging, ‘signposting’, illegal car and service vehicle parking and unsatisfactory traffic enforcement all need to be addressed once the current enhancement and construction works are completed.

·              feedback from the new businesses in Bedford Street has been positive to date, with retailers confident of hitting their targets. The Director added that a retail impact assessment will be carried out in late 2008 or early 2009, prior to taking forward further major city centre retail development. 

·              it is also anticipated that a report on Park and Ride, with a proposal for a facility on the west side of the city, can be brought forward to Members in the near future.

·              enquiries about the status of the regeneration of Rougemont and Northernhay Gardens and about the level of street clutter in Martins Lane would be made and the Member contacted.

·              any decision on taking forward a Business Improvement District proposal for the city centre would be widely discussed and Members were reassured that businesses would need to vote on a BID proposal. 

·              the state of some of the upper floors of shop premises on High Street was noted and there may be scope for further city centre living and accommodation following on from the success of Princesshay residential development and sales.


Scrutiny Economy supported approval by Executive of the draft City Centre Strategy, and noted that regular updates on progress would be made to Scrutiny Committee - Economy.


(Report circulated)

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