Agenda item

Portfolio Holders to Present the Priorities for the Coming Year

Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.


Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) presented a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.


Councillor Shepherd highlighted the key areas for the Planning and Sustainable Development Portfolio:-


·               Policy  - to finalise the core strategy as part of the Local Delivery Framework, including Issues and Options papers for the City Centre Area Action Plan and East of Exeter Area Action Plan; to produce  planning guidance on renewable energy and affordable-housing planning obligations; to continue to work with the University to draw up Supplementary Planning Guidance in relation to dealing with over-concentrations of students in certain areas in the city; and to participate in the development of the Regional Spatial Strategy.

·               Climate Change – to develop the planning and transportation lead in relation to the White Paper on Planning for a Sustainable Future, including using planning powers to encourage greater energy efficiency in commercial property developments.

·               Future Projects - to support the latter stages of the development of Princesshay to ensure its opening in October; to continue to develop a scheme for Debenhams with conversion to retail, leisure and residential; and to continue to consider options for the future redevelopment of the Bus Station site.

·               City Centre Environment  - to finalise works in the city centre including improvement works in Lower High Street by the end of the summer, and enhancement of Cathedral Yard with the final section being laid in Cathedral Close by the end of July.

·               The New Growth Point  - to progress a joint project with East Devon District Council and Devon County Council for the development of Cranbrook, support for the TIF (Transport Innovation Funding) bid for a new transport system in the centre; the proposed Skypark, Intermodel Freight Terminal and Science Park.

·               Local Centres – to progress the local enhancements for Heavitree, and commence the consultation process for Cowick Street with preparation of a detailed proposal for similar environmental enhancements.

·               Natural Environment  - to progress the Wild City projects through the general planning framework.

·               Transportation – to support the County Council’s TIF bid to tie in with the Park and Ride Strategy and identification of future sites particularly on the west side of the city; to manage the Concessionary Fare Scheme and consider the future funding mechanism particularly when the national scheme begins in April 2008 and reimbursement costs will be calculated from the departure point of passengers; to continue lobbying to improve the First Great Western franchise and maintain the Cross Country rail service; support an upgrade of St David’s Station and Central Station gateways and further develop walking and cycling opportunities.


            The following responses were given to Members :-


·               The Portfolio Holder shared a Member’s concern about the inadequacy of the rate of supply of new social housing for rent, and said that he hoped this would be given higher priority under the Brown administration.

·               He said that the TIF bid would not be effected by the outcome of the unitary bid and cooperation between Exeter City Council and Devon County Council to help develop a city-wide solution to congestion will continue whatever the outcome.

·               He said that charging has commenced at Topsham’s Holman Way car park and that there were no plans at present to expand the car park.


Councillor Sheldon highlighted the key areas for the Economy and Tourism Portfolio:-


·               To Promote City Centre Vitality to continue to work on Princesshay with both Land Securities and McAlpines to ensure that it is open by October; to support the New Underground Passages Heritage Centre which will be open in September; as well as a purpose built Tourist Information Centre (Exeter Visitor information and Tickets) due to be fitted out from July; to support a detailed proposal for the regeneration of the Debenhams site delivering a mixed use retail and housing scheme by the end of the year; oversee the development of the draft City Centre Strategy working with the City Centre Management Partnership Board to finalise the document by the end of the year;  working with key city centre partners to develop the Christmas Launch and a range of activities throughout November and December; to continue to work to develop the Exeter Festival of South West Food and Drink also working with the owners of the Castle and hopefully join up the event with the High Street.

·               Quay/Canal Basin – to complete a number of projects including the Custom House and Cricklepit and progress the refurbishment of the Old Electricity Building, Maclaines Warehouse and 60 Haven Road and the adjacent sites.

·               Economic Development   - to continue to provide a proactive service for inward investment to small, medium and large companies wishing to relocate to Exeter, and help existing Exeter companies overcome barriers to expansion; further joint working with East Devon District Council providing information and a support service to create a joined up economic development service for Exeter and the sub region; to progress the Science Park and Innovation Centre, working with partners to submit a planning application for the Science Park by Spring 2008 and help secure sufficient funding by 2012 and develop the activities of the Innovation Centre; build on the newly merged Enterprise Agency to strengthen support for start up businesses, facilitate workforce development working groups such  as Job Centre Plus, Connexions and the Learning and Skills Council to help deliver the key objectives of the Workforce Development Plan; and to continue monitoring the Positive Steps funding programme to help benefit the most disadvantaged getting into employment.

·               Tourism –to build on the attractions and improvements to the city centre and work with partners to attract more day and short break visitors to the city.

·               Arts and Festivals - to continue to develop a range of viable festivals to add to the city’s cultural calendar; to continue to work with the main venues of the city to provide the majority of the city’s range of cultural performances, events and exhibitions.

·               Property – to continue to manage the extensive commercial portfolio in an efficient and proactive way; to support the refurbishment work of Debenhams; and to build on the relaunch of the St George’s Hall as the Exeter Corn Exchange.


            The following responses were given to Members :-


·               Cricklepit would be completed by the summer.

·               although there was  disappointment over the closure of Foodeaze, every effort would be made by the Administrator to secure new tenants.

·               that  some investigation of possible funding towards developing a Christmas lighting scheme for district centres such as Heavitree and Cowick Street would be investigated.


            The reports of the Portfolio Holders for the forthcoming year were noted.