Agenda item


To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy – report circulated






The Assistant Director Economy presented the report updating Members on the activities of the Employment and Skills Board for the Exeter and Heart of Devon area and progress made getting local people into work, promoting the value of skills and supporting business growth. The Board were committed to providing good outcomes through helping people back to financial independence; reducing youth unemployment (16 – 24), and helping businesses to be more successful.  The Partnership and Projects Manager, Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board outlined the projects and initiatives delivered so far in relation to providing the necessary skills of the current and future workforce, particularly to help retain the workforce in the local area. She also referred to the growing apprenticeship scheme and to efforts to encourage businesses to re-engage with the workforce and understand the benefits such as training could bring.


A Member expressed concern about the high level of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants in the 16 to 24 age group in Exeter, and low level of apprenticeship take up and how that could be addressed. The Partnership and Projects Manager said that the dynamic in apprenticeship take up had recently shifted, as previously there were not enough placements offered by business, but this year there were unfilled vacancies. It was thought this that could be attributed to the minimum apprenticeship wage of £2.65 per hour, which might not offer young people an incentive to be an apprentice if they could earn more in a job without training. A Member questioned why so many young people were unemployed for over 12 months and asked whether there were any surveys to find out why they disengaged. The Partnership and Projects Manager said that they would probably be on the Work Programme and have the opportunity to speak with an advisor and receive tailored support and a regular review of their needs and training.  In response to a Member’s question, she confirmed there were 22 partners on the Board, with approximately half of the representatives being employers including the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Small Business.  The Strategic Director (KH) suggested that they should join up with the Exeter City Football Club as they had a number of projects to help harder to reach groups prepare for employment. The Assistant Director Economy also responded to a comment on the Gross Value Added (GVA) figure for Exeter, which was a measure of total income or production and agreed to provide the Member more explanatory detail on this.


A Member shared his own experience of employing two apprentices and the thorny issue of low pay against the cost of formal training incurred by the employer. He would welcome more promotion of the scheme, particularly to smaller businesses and offered his support. A Member also asked if a representative from Job Centre Plus could be invited to a future meeting to explain some of the issues relating to youth unemployment and the ways in which they are being supported. The Assistant Director Economy advised that he would extend an invitation to a future meeting.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)



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