Agenda item

Portfolio Holders Priorities for the Forthcoming Year

Councillor Sutton (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Planning) and Councillor Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present their report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Scrutiny Committee’s work programme. 


Councillor Sutton presented the following priorities within the Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio for 2013/14.  A copy of the report is appended to the minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions and comments:-


  • Exeter City Council had a strong engineering function, and progress was being made to make those services available to neighbouring authorities. There were no planned changes to the City Council’s in-house engineering function.
  • the City Council would continue to manage the city’s car parks, and although there was no detailed scheme, Pay by Phone was acknowledged as the way forward and would provide more payment choice.
  • the first meeting of the Board to oversee the development of the Bus and Coach Station site had been held. It was intended that they would meet on a quarterly basis.
  • Discussions are taking place with Devon County Council on the planned works to the public realm outside the Central Library. The Library was a significant public building in the heart of the cultural quarter.
  • to record the appreciation of the hard work of the officers in City Development and the St James community in delivering the St James Neighbouhood Plan, which had been held up as a model of consultation. 
  • parking issues in Topsham were being addressed through the Topsham Parking Member Working Group and separately there were also likely to be future discussions on parking at the RD&E Hospital and car parking hotspots in the surrounding area. 


The Assistant Director City Development responded to a question asked by a Member on the safeguards in place following changes to the permitted development under the Town and Country Planning (General Premises Order 1995), and in particular relating to applications for a change of use of commercial premises.  This was part of a two year pilot scheme and a report on the position would be made to the next meeting of Planning Member Working Group. 


Councillor Denham presented the priorities within the Economy and Tourism Portfolio for 2013/14. A copy of the report is appended to the minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions and comments:-


  • the City Centre Manager had been working to develop a safer evening economy, and a number of initiatives had been rolled out including encouraging shops to open later into the evening to lessen the delineation between the evening and night time economy.
  • efforts had already been made to occupy vacant shop units on a temporary basis.  It was important to consider a strategy to set out the expectations of tenants and consider an individual approach in different parts of the city.
  • contact would be made with Environmental Health to consider a suitable way to mark Worker’s Memorial Day, and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure to raise participation in the Britain in Bloom event.
  • a strategy for further support to the District Shopping Centres was being considered, as they were an integral part of the city’s economy.
  • the Festivals and Events Manager could provide information or offer support on the opportunities for financial assistance for existing or new smaller arts organisations.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the achievements and priorities presented.






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