Agenda item

Exeter Public Health Plan and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Patsy Temple, Public Health Specialist, Devon County Council.



The Public Health Specialist spoke to a presentation highlighting the priority health and wellbeing areas for Exeter identified from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


As well as detailing areas where Exeter was doing well she set out areas of concern including:-


·         highest standardised rate for alcohol related admissions in the Eastern Locality;

·         smoking prevalence at  21.4% was higher than the England and Devon average;

·         4th highest rate of malignant melanoma in Devon;

·         sexually transmitted infection rates and teenage conception rates high in Exeter compared to rest of Devon;

·         hospital stays for self harm higher than the Devon rate;

·         directly age standardised rates of falls were statistically higher than the Devon average;

·         only 12.7% of adults are active enough to receive health benefits – one of the lowest in Devon; and

·         % of children recorded as obese in year 6 was above the Devon average.


Alcohol related issues remained a high priority and the Director of Public Health enlarged on the statistics relating to geographical areas of origin and age range of those admitted to A & E. The Exeter Alcohol, Violence and Night-Time Economy Group was looking to introduce a triage/safe zone in the City Centre to cope with late night problems largely associated with alcohol and that Kristian Tomblin of the DAAT was in discussion with the RD&E Trust on funding this initiative.


The physical activity statistics showed that 87% of the Exeter population were failing to take sufficient exercise to receive health benefits. Paul Faulkner of the City Council Parks section was looking to introduce marked walking areas in Parks and it was felt that this type of initiative would support part of the proposed project plan for physical activity becoming a Health and Wellbeing priority (see Min. No. 6 below).


Hospital admission statistics showed that falls were a significant issue with cost implications and a more vigorous approach to acting on early warnings including poor eyesight, blood pressure and abuse of alcohol was necessary. Members felt that insufficient heating could also be a factor and with fuel poverty growing in relevance it was felt that the Board should encourage the active promotion of warmer homes through initiatives such as the Warm and Well campaign.


There was consensus that the Board should focus on a limited number of key health and wellbeing priorities, which might extend across a three to five year implementation period and seek to add value and eliminate duplication. With reducing alcohol admissions as one likely priority, championing physical activity was identified as a further potential priority. Mapping would be necessary and Councillor Owen, the City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, Health and Well Being undertook to liaise with the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture on the mapping of the City’s leisure facilities.




(1)  the Director of Public Health forward the NHS Structure diagram for circulation to the Board; and


(2)  a draft Exeter Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and an annual Exeter Health and Wellbeing Plan be presented at the next meeting with view to approval.


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