Agenda item

Reports of Portfolio Holders

Councillor Edwards (Leader) and Councillor Pearson (Portfolio Holder for Enabling Services)  will present their half year reports and take questions.


Prior to the consideration of this item. Members wished to pass on their very best wishes for a speedy recovery to Councillor Edwards. 


Councillors Sutton, Pearson and Hannaford presented progress reports on priorities covering the Leader, Enabling Services and the Customer Access area of responsibility which falls alongside the Housing and Customer Access Portfolio.


Responses to Members’ queries are set out below:


Leader’s Statement

·         Planning approval for IKEA was given after the 1 December, and so this development will attract a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contribution (CIL) and the new housing associated will attract New Homes Bonus funding (NHB). A further sum relating to business rates should be in the region of £500,000, as well as the benefit of 300 new jobs and the opportunity for employment for local crafts people.

·         VPBS panels had been installed on a number of council buildings and as well as the environmental benefits, it had reduced energy consumption and given a good rate of return through the feed tariff. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that £3 million had been included in the capital programme to progress the City Council’s energy neutral aspirations. 

·         the Deputy Chief Executive referred to discussions relating to the Council’s procurement system and some scoping work to consider simplifying the number of suppliers to achieve a greater financial benefit.

·         the Council continued to engage with the local community sector to work together and ensure that there was no vacuum as the Council considered a significant change in the delivery of its services. The voluntary and community sector had useful local knowledge which could be shared.


Enabling Services

·         staff now had access to social media, as the Council used this tool for greater communication and had signed up to a social media policy including training and support which staff should adhere to.

·         facility management of smaller buildings and sites had not been seen as a priority. An Asset Management Group had been formed to build a framework to manage the Council’s and the community’s expectation. A Member offered his expertise should a task and finish group or working party be proposed.

·         the Living Wage Forum involved local businesses and voluntary groups. The Forum had also started to look at the concerns raised by smaller businesses over ensuring a sustainable approach to employment.

·         a change to the provision of ICT Services would be going forward over the next few months and the process will be as transparent as possible.  The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that the final delivery and implementation plan would come to this Scrutiny Committee.

·         a review of the City Council’s web site would require a large commitment from staff to update the information, but the importance of ensuring that the web site was accessible and easy to use was recognised as a means of delivering a better service.

·         concern over the rise in begging and associated antisocial behaviour in the city was acknowledged, but there was no intention to pursue those facing rough sleeping or homelessness within the same legal framework.




Customer Access

·         the Assistant Director Customer Access referred to One View of Debt and confirmed that this was part of the Help Me System, looking at assisting customers owing the Council Rents, Council Tax and Housing Benefits Overpayments. Members welcomed this approach. The Assistant Director Finance was looking at whether this approach could be replicated for Sundry debt across the Council.

·         individuals affected by the launch of the Household Benefit Cap had been contacted and every effort would be made to support the most vulnerable individuals

·         the Benefits Training and Support Team Manager, responded to a Member’s comment and the closing of a legal loophole in respect of social sector size restriction will take effect from 3 March 2014. He also confirmed that £1.5 million funding given to Devon County Council by the DWP, with £250,000 for the City Council would be used for the Local Welfare Support scheme this year.  It was important to lobby at a central level for funding beyond 2014/15.


Councillor Hannaford urged Members to thank the Housing Benefits team for their sterling work.


Scrutiny Committee - Resources noted the achievements and priorities presented.



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