Agenda item

Reports of Portfolio Holders

Councillor  Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture) and Councillor Sutton (Portfolio Holder for City Development) will present half year reports and take questions.


Councillor Brock declared an interest as a trader in Magdalen Road.


Councillors Sutton and Denham presented progress reports on priorities within the City Development (formerly the Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio) and Economy and Culture Portfolio respectively. Responses to Members’ comments and queries are set out below:


City Development

  • the recent examination of the application for a village green at Eastern Fields had been though a thorough process, with over 112 folders of supporting documents and feelings ran high on both sides of the discussion. There was likely to be a final decision in May or June.
  • the adoption of the St James Neighbourhood Plan would help fund improvements and shape the local community. This work had helped springboard improvements in the local environment and promoted more community cohesion.  Unfortunately, there was no further funding, but she thanked the officers in the City Council’s City Development team as they had offered a great deal of support.

·         work with neighbouring authorities in respect of the approach to infrastructure planning in the city was ongoing, particularly relating to wards such as Pinhoe on the south west side of Exeter. As the City Council had no seat on the LEP, the concern had also been raised with the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board. She would respond to a question on the status of the Politmore Arms in Pinhoe, as its possible demolition could have implications for the existing highway boundary and capacity for subsequent planning development.

·         Improvements to the city’s public realm were ongoing, including the Central Station frontage and cooperation with the County Council to revamp the area around the library.  The financial climate had delayed plans in relation to the proposed new Bus and Coach Station, but a viable scheme could now be progressed. She acknowledged the comment that some areas of the city needed improving, but the lack of available funds meant that they were now dependent on working with partners to fulfil the ambitions for the city. 


Economy and Culture

·         despite best intentions there had been a lack of progress on projects to help improve the local economy in the Heavitree District Shopping Centre. It was important to be realistic of what could be achieved, but this issue would be raised with the Leader.

·         the Trail leaflets supporting independent shops was an excellent example of what could be achieved and the model would go forward for all those businesses who had had signed up to the initiative. She would ask the Assistant Director Economy to contact the Member and provide more feedback and also in terms of business relocation to the city.

·         the Exeter Cultural Partnerships bid to the Arts Council had been unsuccessful and an update would be provided at a later date.

·         officers were working in partnership with the police to address anti-social behaviour in the city and, in particular, the increasing levels of begging in the High Street. The distress caused to local residents and also visitors was acknowledged. 

·         the Living Wage Forum had met and centered their discussions on a range of employment issues and support for those on low incomes within a wider forum. They would continue to engage with local businesses.

·         internal work had picked up some pertinent issues relating to procurement.

·         efforts had been made to create opportunities for a wide range of cultural activities during the Rugby World Cup.  The dedicated Fan Zone would also be available on match free days for others to use. Every effort was being made to ensure increased rugby participation and to build on the legacy, however funding could only be used for the specified work.

·         officers were about to embark on a study of the current state of the river and canal with the Council’s maintenance team, amidst concerns of the need to dredge the canal. The Assistant Director Public Realm would be picking up this work.

·         paying for Parking by Phone was now operational in the city’s car parks. 

·         the Council was making every effort to contribute towards the ongoing dialogue for a Supercomputer at the Met Office.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the achievements and priorities presented.


Supporting documents: