Agenda item

Planning Application Nos. 13/4660/03 and 13/46661/07 - Kalendar Hall, South Street, Exeter, EX1 1DZ

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.



The Area Planner presented the application for planning permission for demolition of existing building, construction of performing arts and teaching facility and two retail units including improvements to public realm.


Members were circulated with an update sheet - attached to minutes.


One additional objection had been received from a local resident concerning the building’s height, appearance and the use of polycarbonate material.


The Area Planner reported that the polycarbonate boxes at first and second floor level on the front façade had been replaced by glazing and that a lighting/management scheme for the glazing would be sought by condition. The usual conditions for a Listed Building would be added to the permission as they had been omitted from the Committee report.


The recommendation was for approval subject to the conditions as set out in the report and an additional condition requiring a lighting management strategy.


RESOLVED that planning permission for demolition of existing building, construction of performing arts and teaching facility and two retail units including improvements to public realm be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1)         C05  -  Time Limit - Commencement


2)         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 18 October 2013 (dwg nos. 0955 L01.00 rev A; 0955 L01.01 rev A; 0955 L01.02 rev A; 0955 L01.03 rev A; 0955 L01.04 rev A; 0955 L02.01 rev C; 0955 L02.02 rev C; 0955 L03.01 rev B; 0955 L04.01 rev C: 0955 L04.02 and rev C; 0955 L04.07)as modified by other conditions of this consent.

Reason:  In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.


3)         C17  -  Submission of Materials


4)         Notwithstanding the requirements of Condition 2 of this planning permission, no work shall commence on either phase of development hereby approved until full details of the following, insofar as they relate to that phase of development, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the following shall thereafter be provided in accordance with such details:

a) windows to include materials, means of opening, reveals, cills and headers;

b) external doors;

c) rainwater goods;

d) lighting of the Vicars Choral;

e) refuse storage;

f) CCTV cameras and location.

Reason: Insufficient information has been submitted with the application and in the interests of visual amenity.


5)         No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into its intended use until the provision of secure cycle parking facilities to serve the site has been agreed, in accordance with details that shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and retained for that purpose at all times.

Reason: To ensure that adequate facilities are available for the traffic attracted to the site.


6)         A Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development on site, with the exception of demolition, and adhered to during the construction period. This should include details of monitoring and mitigation measures to control the environmental impact of the development during the construction and demolition phases, including site traffic, the effects of piling, and emissions of noise and dust. The CEMPs should contain a procedure for handling and investigating complaints as well as provision for regular meetings with appropriate representatives from the Local Authorities during the development works, in order to discuss forthcoming work and its environmental impact.

Reason: In the interest of the site environment and surrounding areas.


7)         Details of all building services plant, including sound power levels and predicted sound pressure levels at a specified location outside the building envelope, to be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. The predicted noise levels shall be submitted prior to commencement of the development and shall be demonstrated by measurement or calculation prior to occupation of the development.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


8)         No demolition/construction work shall not take place outside the following times: 8am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 1pm on Saturdays nor at any time on Sundays, Bank Holidays or Public Holidays.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


9)         The theatre/performance area use hereby approved shall not be carried on other than between the hours of 8am and 11pm on any day.

Reason:  So as not to detract from the amenities of the near-by residential property.


10)       The development hereby approved shall not commence until details of the proposed finished floor levels and overall height of the building, in relation to an agreed fixed point or O.S. datum have been submitted to, and been approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the existing character and appearance of the streetscene.


11)       C57  -  Archaeological Recording.


12)       the building shall not be occupied until a Light Management Strategy has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Strategy shall include levels of light intensity, times of operation, a maintenance schedule and display method examples. A review of the Strategy shall be undertaken and submitted within six months of the commencement of the lighting facility and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall operate in accordance with these approved details at all times thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and insufficient information has been submitted with the application.


RESOLVED that listed building consent for demolition of existing building, construction of performing arts and teaching facility and two retail units including improvements to public realm be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1)         C08 - The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.

Reason:  To comply with section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


2)         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 18 October 2013 (dwg nos. 0955 L01.00 rev A; 0955 L01.01 rev A; 0955 L01.02 rev A; 0955 L01.03 rev A; 0955 L01.04 rev A; 0955 L02.01 rev C; 0955 L02.02 rev C; 0955 L03.01 rev B; 0955 L04.01 rev C: 0955 L04.02 and rev C 0955 L04.07)as modified by other conditions of this consent.

Reason:  In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.


3)         C17 - Samples of the materials it is intended to use externally in the construction of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be started before their approval is obtained in writing and the materials used in the construction of the development shall correspond with the approved samples in all respects.

Reason:  To ensure that the materials conform with the visual amenity requirements of the area.


4)         Notwithstanding the requirements of Condition 2 of this planning permission, no work shall commence on either phase of development hereby approved until full details of the following, insofar as they relate to that phase of development, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the following shall thereafter be provided in accordance with such details:

a) windows to include materials, means of opening, reveals, cills and headers;

b) external doors;

c) rainwater goods;

d) lighting of the Vicars Choral;

e) refuse storage;

f) CCTV cameras and location.

Reason: Insufficient information has been submitted with the application and in the interests of visual amenity.


5)         C57 - No development related works shall take place within the site until a written scheme of archaeological work has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include on-site work, and off-site work such as the analysis, publication, and archiving of the results, together with a timetable for completion of each element. All works shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the approvedscheme, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  To ensure the appropriate identification, recording and publication of archaeological and historic remains affected by the development.



Supporting documents: