Agenda item

Portfolio Holders' Statement

The Portfolio Holder’s priorities for Scrutiny Committee Resources for 2014/15 will be presented. (This document will be circulated under separate cover).


The priorities for 2013/14 which had been reported previously and a list of priorities and initiatives which had been completed were presented. The work programme and broad priorities relevant to the portfolios for Scrutiny Committee Resources for 2014/15 were presented. The priorities and detail would be refined and developed over the coming months, to include outcomes and targets, and would be published in September 2014 in the Council’s Corporate Plan. 


Councillor Edwards presented the Leader’s priorities for the forthcoming year. He referred to the medium term financial plan as the City Council continued to face ongoing monetary challenges.  It was appropriate to have a meaningful consultation with the public over funding and budget changes in the next four years, and he would seek the support of the Scrutiny Committees to look at the individual areas of the Council. The City Council would have to become more self-sufficient in terms of funding and continue to develop the city’s economic growth, looking at income generation through attracting new business and income from business rates.


Councillor Pearson presented the priorities within the remit for Enabling Services and commented on the new priority to progress the renewable and energy efficiency programme to reduce the day to day energy running costs of the Council’s estate. The ICT proposals were progressing, and there was an impact on every aspect of the Council’s business, but the changes would make the IT Service well placed for the future.


Councillor Hannaford presented the priorities within the remit for the Portfolio Holder for Customer Access.  He reported on work currently being done to incorporate Credit Union in the work of the Help Me System and he anticipated bringing forward a report to Committee once these plans had developed.  Every effort had been made to continue to take a personal approach to managing the challenges of the welfare reform and that was reflected in the approach being taken by Customer Access Staff.  A review of the Customer Services centre opening hours had been done and revised hours implemented.  There had been some initial discussion as to how the Customer Service Centre could develop into more of a community hub, with a wider range of financial and social advice available with other partners.


Councillor Edwards gave the following response to a Member’s question, as he

was aware of the need for the city to look attractive at all times and particularly next year during the Rugby World Cup celebrations,  He referred to recent discussions with the County Council over the level of weeds in the city, but there was an issue over funding of the work to remove them.


Councillor Pearson gave the following responses to Members’ questions:-


·    he welcomed an opportunity to find a way for the public to be able to rate services and contact made through the web site.

·    the Strategic Management Team would consider a proposal for an employee survey and an action plan to support employees in managing the changes that would take place over the next four years.  He would ensure that Members were updated.

·    he had also met with the Council’s Equalities Officer to discuss a Black and Ethnic Minorities Forum (BME) and how this would impact on the work of the City Council and anticipated some progress before the middle of September and was due to meet with the Chief Executive & Growth Director to discuss progressing this. He acknowledged that resources were scarce but there may be an opportunity to work with the Devon Group to get more out of the process. He would ensure that Members were kept informed.


Members noted the statements.



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