Agenda item

Business Improvement District Presentation

Ian Broadfoot, Associate of Destination Management and Marketing will make a presentation in relation to Exeter’s Business Improvement District.


Ian Broadfoot, an Associate of Destination Management and Marketing, made a presentation which informed Members of the progress of the work on the Business Improvement District or BID.  The BID would cover a given area, and plan, deliver and pay for additional improvements, services or initiatives which would benefit the trading environment and be funded through a levy and approved by a ballot.  It would enable stakeholders to invest their money to achieve common goals determined and managed by them.  This should enable Exeter’s retailers to stay ahead of the competition and help meet the changing face of the nation’s high streets and address the challenges of out of town developments and the digital market.  Other benefits included providing local businesses with a voice and some real influence as well as a clear mandate for action with guaranteed funds to deliver a plan devised by those who pay.  


Destination Management have commissioned a feasibility study to look at what makes a BID successful. As part of this work they also reviewed the previous campaign and a number of areas of concern had been raised, including a differential in the levy rate and other aspects such as a limited consultation and the area covered in the Business Plan.  They asked local stakeholders why Exeter needed a BID and received a good level of feedback, and the message was that although Exeter appeared to be flourishing it still might not be reaching its full potential. It was also recognised that it was important to share the benefits of the BID further than the immediate city centre and High Street to provide a well maintained management for a 24 hour economy.


Progress to date has included an intensive consultation process and contact with over 300 businesses, using the BID champions through one to one and also street meetings. They would be working with One Voice Media as well as in partnership with Exeter City Council. A web site had been established and they also plan to have a newsletter to gather feedback from businesses to develop the Business Plan. Although the dates still had to be finalised it was anticipated that the timeline would include the development of the BID proposal document/business plan and focus on continuing the campaign period from now to February, followed by an issue of the ballot on 15 January 2015. The ballot would end on 28 February and the results are expected to be announced on 3 March. 


He responded to Member’s comments:-


·           he was aware that a comment on improved Christmas lights had been made and also that Exeter City Council had made a significant contribution both in terms of funding and coordination.


·           previous consultation work on the Business Plan suggested greater benefit in redefining the area and Phase 1 will include the main retail areas and the key gateways such as Fore Street, rather than the business area of Southernhay. 


·           they would make every effort not to exclude the fringe areas of the city centre such as Sidwell Street, particularly as there were other  areas off the immediate High Street which would benefit, but they had to draw a boundary.  The BID area could expand as it became more successful.


·           the BID  may well include proposals to address the night time economy. He was aware that colleagues from Exeter City Council were looking at gaining the Purple Flag initiative which provided a bench mark of a safe and thriving evening and night time economy and the BID work may wish to build on that in the future.


Members thanked Ian for his attendance and the update.