Agenda item

To Welcome Janice Kay, Provost and Geoff Pringle, Chief Operating Officer of the University of Exeter



The Chair welcomed Janice Kay, Provost of the University of Exeter and Geoff Pringle, Chief Operating Officer of the University. The presentation covered the following areas:-


·         growth and development of the campus;

·         the University of Exeter’s ranking and reputation;

·         economic contribution;

·         students in the City including residences;

·         students as residents in the City, their impact and involvement in the community;

·         the University in the City including sport and art and culture;

·         involvement of the University with Exeter College and local schools;

·         capital projects;

·         impact on the environment; and

·         partnerships.


They responded as follows to Members’ queries:-


·         anti social behaviour by students was taken very seriously by the University and, although preparations had been made for the recent freshers week and influx of new students at the beginning of term, there had been surprise at the level of problems experienced this October. Michele Shoebridge, deputy to Geoff Pringle, was leading a working group to look into this year’s difficulties and to prepare better for 2016. Phil Atwell, the new Director of Campus Services, had been tasked with improving liaison with the Police and Licensed Premises to identify solutions. The University could also resort to severe disciplinary measures if necessary;

·         the University was very keen to keep students in the South West following graduation, with two thirds of medical students remaining in the region. It was grateful for the City Council’s contribution in pump priming internships for students with City employers - students made a positive contribution, particularly in IT and organisational development;

·         the University was ranked 7th in the Russell Group for research and second in the South West for the training of medical students. The Peninsula Medical School was relatively small and there was a commitment to significant future investment on the St Lukes Campus;

·         Phil Atwell was setting up a Community Forum for third party providers of student accommodation to address problems of anti social behaviour at some of these premises. They had a responsibility to the City and traded on the back of the University and were required to operate to codes of conduct. In general, they had responded positively when reminded of their responsibilities;

·         the new ResLife team comprising University staff and students worked in conjunction with the estate patrollers, whose time was freed up through the teams handling of minor issues such as false fire alarms, minor disputes etc. Their ratio would increase in line with increased student numbers;

·         recognising the Council’s preferred accommodation solution of on campus provision, Phil Atwell was to report to the University’s Executive on the latest development plan; and

·         with a reduction in funding per student head, the University had an obligation to reveal any additional course charges.


The Chair thanked Ms Kay and Mr Pringle for the presentation.


Members thanked the University for their presentation and praised the work and contribution made by the University to the life of the City, recognising that its enhanced prestige reflected well on Exeter, as well as its ongoing work to address certain issues of concern to Members and residents.