Agenda item

Rough Sleepers


Superintendent Perkin spoke on issues surrounding rough sleeping with reference to the report included on the agenda which had also been discussed at a meeting of the Exeter Board on 15 January 2015 and which detailed the numbers and nature of rough sleepers counted on a specific night at the end of 2014, together with the reasons for the increasing number and potential solutions. Of the 34 rough sleepers, 50% had a local connection to Exeter. The report showed that two were female, 10 believed to have endured mental health issues, six with alcohol issues and two using legal highs and 10 entrenched in rough sleeping. Chris Stocks, Exeter City Council’s Housing Options Manager reported that 90% of those housed in Gabriel House were ex offenders.


Rough sleeping had been a problem for many years in Exeter and was increasing across the country with no easy solution to this complex and challenging problem. As with other urban areas, rough sleepers gravitated to Exeter where there were greater support and opportunities for their lifestyle including health and accommodation resources. As a hub, the City Council did receive additional Central Government grant.


It was becoming more difficult to work with some rough sleepers with an increase in chaotic behaviour. Reductions and changes in service provision and a lack of outreach support in terms of health, mental health and substance misuse workers, was often resulting in non engagement by clients. The Clock Tower surgery was one area where outreach work had dried up although it was understood that this was possibly the result of contract re-negotiation with NHS England.


Superintendent Perkin reported that, although levels of violence were increasing in Plymouth, a similar problem was not apparent in Exeter but there was a need to have regard, as far as possible, to the safety of rough sleepers. A more rigorous approach to discourage City Centre locations could lead to sanctuary being sought in more secluded and dangerous locations.


With a number of different agencies and voluntary bodies involved it was felt that a more systematic approach to working with this population was required. A report was to be submitted to the Exeter Board on this bringing together a number of pieces of work including Making Every Adult Matter, RD&E Hospital Discharge Work, developments in RISE - the adult substance misuse service and the Wat Tyler House Hub. The potential for a single agency/body to be identified to co-ordinate work was suggested. Superintendent Perkin did not feel that this fell readily within the remit of the Community Safety Strategy Group although the need for such a co-ordinating body had been raised with Karime Hassan and Bob Norley. Councillor Owen also undertook to discuss the matter with Bob Norley.


Councillor Hannaford chaired ASBAT and Gillian Champion, Chaired the Exeter Sub Locality New Devon CCG Drug and Alcohol group and it was agreed that Chris Stocks email to her specific case studies in order to provide a scenario of individual circumstances.


Sara Gibbs suggested that the rough sleeping issue could be an area to be picked up through the ICE initiative.





(1)  Gillian Champion determine the position of the Clock Tower surgery in respect of out reach work;


(2)  Chris Stocks advise Gillian Champion of individual case studies;


(3)  Councillor Owen liaise with Bob Norley on the issue of a co-ordinating body; and


(4)  rough sleeping be further considered at the next Board meeting on 14 April 2015






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