Agenda item

An Energy Neutral Council - A Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme Update

To consider the report of the Corporate Manager Property.  


The Corporate Energy Manager presented an update on the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme work that had been undertaken during the first year of the programme and since the previous report to Scrutiny Committee - Resources on 17 September 2014. The report also included the financial benefits and savings of the projects completed in this financial year, as well as the projected savings.

A copy of the ‘Indicative Delivered Electricity’ rate breakdown for 2015/16 was circulated which illustrated the various charges and levies applied. 


The Corporate Energy Manager provided a further update on the report, advising that following the installation of new LED lights in three of the city’s car parks, feedback had indicated that the lights at the Harlequins Centre car park had made a significant improvement to the parking environment. Initial work on the Car Park Canopy Solar PV Scheme at Mary Arches and John Lewis car parks was also progressing well. This pioneering scheme was a first for a local authority nationally. A further update would be made at the next meeting.  She also referred to the LED lights replacement programme at the Civic Centre, which was nearly complete.  Apart from the significant level of savings made, staff were already appreciating the benefits in their working environment.


Responding to a number of advance questions, the Corporate Energy Manager advised that:- 


·       it was important to identify where the biggest savings could be made, and the installation of LED light bulbs in car parks was part of a major project to reduce energy costs for the City Council. Public realm could look at some of their areas, but Devon County Council were responsible for street lighting.


·     the cost of the boiler replacement at the Civic Centre will be £150,000, and design work, procurement and specialist engineering advice had been carried out by the in-house staff from North Somerset Council, who had recently carried out a similar project.


·     a power purchase agreement such as suggested for Quay Climbing would provide a legal agreement to provide the means to sell renewable energy to the leaseholder.


  • the actual cost of charging a car at the EV Charge points, ranged from 60p to 82p, depending on the type of vehicle.  The investment in the EV Project had been minimal as the cost of the installation of the charge points was paid for by a government grant, and the infrastructure provides the future opportunity to pay for the facility.


The Chair welcomed the greater use of solar power technology and the savings achieved so far.  She recognised that some of the older properties would present more of a challenge, but acknowledged the efforts made to include this technology in new build. She asked whether there were plans to put solar panels on the new leisure complex. The Deputy Chief Executive advised that they were not in a position to confirm the final design, but they were working with the project’s Design Team and would consider sustainability and energy efficiency factors as well as being linked to the District Heating Scheme to provide a cost efficient way of providing energy to the Leisure Centre.


Scrutiny Committee - Resources noted the following: -


(1)          progress made to date, and in year one the delivery of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme and in year two the feasibility work in progress; and

(2)          a further presentation be made to Scrutiny Committee - Resources.


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