Agenda item

The Future of Exeter Quay Task and Finish Group Report

To consider the report to be presented by the Chair of the Future of Exeter Quay Task and Finish Group. 


Councillor Denham, as Chair of the Future of the Exeter Quay Task and Finish Group reported the findings and recommendations of the Group to the Scrutiny Committee – Economy.


A Member referred to the suitability of Cathedral and Quay car park which was seen as the suggested car park when using the Quay area, the lack of public transport to the Quay particularly in the evenings and on Sundays.  He also commented on the poor surface of the pathway from Duckes Marsh Bridge back into the city, and if there was any possibility of securing any funding for improvements.  The Member was pleased to see that the City Council was tackling graffiti throughout the city, and was making every effort to keep on top of the cleanup operation. Councillor Denham responded confirming that contact had been made with Devon County Council to include the path from Duckes Marsh Bridge as part of the cycling infrastructure.  The recent opening of the Custom House as the new visitor centre, as well as working with local traders and, hopefully, improved signage and access to the Quay and Cathedral and Quay Car Park were all contributing to a welcome  increase in activities and use of the Quay area. Dialogue with Stagecoach to improve the service to the area would also continue.


A Member felt that the canal and basin were an underused resource compared with other cities. It would be good to encourage more boats, but it was acknowledged that there were a number of issues with free passage for boats through the canal and into the estuary, or being able to offer appropriate services including overnight berthing facilities. There was still a great deal of work to do to promote the uniqueness of the offer, which would fall under a separate piece of work on the future of the waterways and a report would be made to this Committee in September.


A Member was impressed how active and vibrant the Quay felt. Councillor Denham confirmed that Members had met with Quay traders and were in the process of compiling a detailed response to them, which would be circulated to this Committee.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy supported the recommendations to:-


(1)        encourage the formation of a Quay Traders Association;


(2)        ensure that promotional material covers the wider Quay area and the Basin.


(3)        support a meeting of Councillor Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture), Councillor Owen (Portfolio Holder for Health and Place) and the Assistant Director, Public Realm to discuss the different areas of the Quay and the feedback obtained from Quay Traders;


(4)        liaise further with Stagecoach and Devon County Council to ensure that the new promotional branding for the Quay, once available, is featured and advertised through the local public transport system and promotional literature;


(5)        approach Ring and Ride providers to enquire whether they could provide a circular transport route linking the City and the Quay during the weekends/school holidays;


(6)        obtain a costing, subject to the recommendations of the Parking Review, as to fundamental improvements to the Cathedral and Quay Car Park;


(7)        explore the opportunity to establish a formal partnership for management of the Quay involving stakeholders and traders, bearing in mind wider ongoing discussions around the future management of the waterways;


(8)        support a formal partnership for management of the Quay involving stakeholders and traders; 


(9)        investigate opportunities, in the long term, for externally funded improvements to the Quay area;


(10)      request that the Planning Members’ Working Group review the Master Plan for the Quay area to establish whether it requires updating and whether it meets with the Council’s current aims and priorities, and 


(11)      monitor the progress of these recommendations with an update to be provided to this Committee in 12 months’ time.


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