Agenda item

Transport Strategy for Exeter


The Principal Project Manager (Infrastructure Management and Delivery) presented the report which was a follow up to the question and answer session relating to transport strategy held at the meeting of this Committee on 3 March 2015. The report included reference to a suite of policy documents on transport prepared by the local authorities and set out progress in implementing transport strategies in and around Exeter. Both authorities were limited to a degree by financial constraints, competing interests and national Government policies, but he confirmed that City and County Council officers were in regular close contact. As there was a significant interest in this issue from a number of parties, he felt that a Working Group reporting regularly to both the Scrutiny Committee - Economy and Exeter HATOC (Highways and Traffic Orders Committee) , together with an annual forum, was the best way forward and there would be no hard and fast rules regarding composition of the Group.


Councillor Harvey attended the meeting and spoke on this item having given notice under Standing Order No. 44.


He shared the concerns expressed regarding the future of the City’s transport network and for the need for joined up thinking between the City and County Councils on this issue. He welcomed the establishment of the Working Group and update reports being submitted to the City Council’s Scrutiny Committee - Economy and Exeter HATOC and asked for early meetings of the Group and the involvement of interested local groups such as CWest (the Campaign for South West Exeter Smarter Travel).


He stated that he was totally opposed to a new Park and Ride scheme on Oaklands Riding School as he did not think that it would be any better than one located elsewhere and also felt that a Park and Ride service using at least some of the Alphington Road corridor would not work, especially during peak congestion along that corridor. He also raised the following issues:-


  • cycling - need to improve cycle routes from Alphington to the City Centre and increase pressure on the Local Economic Partnership to help fund the routes;
  • timetable for the Bridge Road works; and
  • timetabling for the delivery of the Marsh Barton station.


The County Council Transportation Planning and Road Safety Officer responded to the issues raised:-


  • with the need for a new Park and Ride in the vicinity of the A30 junction confirmed, further consideration was being given to sites alternative to Oaklands to serve both the A30 and A38/380 - 60% of traffic on Alphington Road originated from the Teignbridge area;
  • the £11 million Bridge Road widening scheme was out to tender, tenders to be returned by July with work on site to start in early 2016 to last for about 12 months;
  • work on the Marsh Barton station would commence next winter and open in 2017; and
  • a footway/cycle way crossing the A379 would facilitate access from Alphington to a new secondary school in the Teignbridge area. An Exeter Cycle Package Bid had been submitted to the LEP (Local Economic Partnership) as part of a Growth Deal Funding Programme for 2018 to include cycle links from Monkerton to the City Centre, Newcourt to the City Centre and the SW Exeter Bridge over the A379.


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and agreed to:-


(1)        the creation of a Transport Strategy Working Group, as set out in the report, comprising an officer representing Exeter City Council (Principal Project Manager (Infrastructure Management and Delivery), Devon County Council (Transformation Planning and Road Safety Manager), representatives from Stagecoach South West and First Great Western and others, with particular specialisms to be invited to the Group on an ad hoc basis; and


(2)        the Working Group, following its first meeting, and annually thereafter, holding a forum to engage with Members and local groups interested in transport, with the minutes circulated to the City Council’s Scrutiny Committee - Economy and Exeter HATOC.