Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Statements 2015/16

The following Councillors will receive questions on their Portfolio –

Councillor Edwards – Leader

Councillor Pearson – Enabling Services

Councillor Morris – Customer Access

Councillor Hannaford – Housing Revenue Account



Councillors Morris, Hannaford and Pearson presented their respective work programmes within the Customer Access, Housing Revenue Account and Enabling Services portfolios respectively.


Customer Access


Councillor Thompson declared an interest as a landlord. 


Councillor Morris, as Portfolio Holder, highlighted the following:-


  • it was intended that the Homelessness Strategy would be updated every six months to ensure that it best served the community. The Homelessness Task and Finish Group was also making a positive contribution to the process.
  • she wished to pay tribute to the pioneering work of the Move On Officer and his team in developing Integrated Care Exeter (ICE).
  •  the newly formed Landlord’s Forum would contribute towards the effort to drive up standards in the private rented sector and encourage best practice.
  • she encouraged Members to attend a forthcoming visit to the Job Centre.
  • it was anticipated that an initiative offering money management and debt advice as well as facilitating a Credit Union would be based in the Customer Service Centre by next spring.
  • she was confident that they would be able to make real progress to tackle rough sleeping by the end of the year.


Councillor Morris responded to Members’ questions and confirmed that a guidance note for landlords was available on the web site and regularly updated to include the latest legislation. The production of a similar publication for tenants was currently being pursued. A Member made a plea to encourage landlords to be empathic with the cultural needs of their tenants and consider the duty of care. The implementation of a Public Spaces Protection Order for the city centre area should be seen as a positive control measure and work was ongoing with a range of partners including the Police.


Housing Revenue Account


Councillor Hannaford, as Portfolio Holder, highlighted the following:-


·         the new annual inspection of Council houses was part of a more rigorous approach of housing management and was already reaping many benefits for the tenants, with staff working through any issues in a systematic way. 

·         the proposed 1% rent cut imposed on the City Council will have an impact on the Housing Revenue Account, in relation to repairs and the new build programme.

·         staff were working with Exeter University in relation to housing needs across the city.


He responded to a Member’s question on ensuring value for money and the general specification for replacement kitchens and bathrooms which were functional and durable and liaison was undertaken with tenants to ensure their needs were met. Legal advice was being sought to address the impact of the rent cuts and there would be the opportunity to lobby the local MP’s.


Enabling Services


Councillor Pearson, as Portfolio Holder, highlighted the following:-


·         it was anticipated that the procurement officer, when appointed would possess the risk skills set to manage the process to increase efficiency on the future procurement process.

·         the Channel Shift Programme would dovetail with the web site programme update.

·         the Corporate Manager Property and the team formed as part of the corporate property initiative would be able to facilitate the vision for the city to deliver high quality development, as well as manage existing property for the benefit of Exeter people.

·          the forthcoming changes in the Feed In Tariff has been a challenge in relation to investment for the future, and the Council will have to look at new and innovative ways for carbon and energy reduction for the city.

·         the Equalities agenda should be added as a priority with work planned to produce a coherent policy.  He referred to a meeting of the Social Equalities and Diversity Task and Finish Group taking place on 1 October.


He responded to comments in respect of the development of the Bus and Coach Station and leisure complex site, and confirmed that issues such as emergency access would be considered. Any solution over traffic flow was likely to be controversial, but he welcomed the opportunity for a wide reaching consultation process. The aspiration remained to deliver a cohesive development, supporting all businesses, including the independent sector in and around the site, and he would ensure that colleagues were made aware of the comments. He would address the access issue in respect of Oakwood House.


Members congratulated all those involved at the Council on an excellent programme of events as part of the Rugby World Cup 2015.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources noted the reports.




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