Agenda item

Income Generating Measures: An Energy Neutral Council- A Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme Update

To consider the report of the Corporate Manager Property.

 The Corporate Energy Manager will make a presentation.


The Corporate Energy Manager provided an update on the Renewable and Energy Efficiency Programme work that has been undertaken following year one of the programme, and since the previous report to Scrutiny Committee - Resources on 18 March 2015.


A presentation was made on what had been achieved, work in progress and projects planned, demonstrating the successful delivery of the renewable and energy efficiency programme   They are in year two of the programme and, despite the challenges over the last 12 – 18 months; there has been the opportunity to deliver real and lasting results for the Council.  She outlined the early projects and more recent ones delivered and the financial benefits of the programme, including the new savings that will be secured at the end of this financial year (March 2016). Work was nearly complete on the pioneering car park Canopy Solar PV Scheme at Mary Arches and John Lewis car parks to provide zero carbon car parks during the summer months as well as delivering an income of £50,000 per annum.  Engineering problems had delayed this project, but it was nationally the first of its kind. It is hoped that the covered top decks will create a more attractive parking option.  The Corporate Energy Manager was happy to arrange a site visit.


A 3D image of the planned 1.5MW PV array on the Livestock Centre was shared.  This had received a lot of interest and was the Council’s largest PV scheme to date. After a robust tendering exercise, this was awarded to Sungift Energy. However, the project is time critical, so as to guarantee the current Feed-In Tariff before this is reduced on 1 January 2016.  The installation follows the re-roofing project which was brought forward to ensure the Western Power Distribution (WPD) offer of connection was not lost.  It was anticipated that, at the end of 2015, the following energy reduction would result in energy savings of 15% and 37% by 2016/17, with a new programme and robust strategy for the future years. 


The projects have resulted in the following:–


·         energy and Carbon savings

·         reduced energy bills and long term income streams

·         renewable energy delivered by Solar PV

·         water saving scheme

·         energy savings and improved lighting from LED

·         the promotion of use of electric vehciles and EV charge points


The solar field proposal cannot be progressed due to the restriction imposed by WPD, and a review of the FIT would significantly impact the viability of large solar projects, but it was hoped that, in time, there may be other incentives. The Energy Manager responded to a Member’s enquiry and stated that innovative PV schemes will work by offsetting the electricity generation against use or by developing a private supply arrangement. It was noted the changes were still under consultation and that future lobbying would be appropriate. The Corporate Energy Manager responded to a Member’s enquiry stating that Wat Tyler House was unsuitable for PV panels as it was partially shaded by trees.


Members congratulated the Council’s Energy Team on the excellent work they had achieved so far.


Scrutiny Committee - Resources noted the progress made to date and delivery of year two of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme and feasibility work planned for year three.




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