Agenda item

South Street/Corn Exchange Regeneration Proposals

To consider the report of the Corporate Property Manager.



The Corporate Property Manager presented a report which sought approval to commence a review of South Street and the Corn Exchange block in the city and initial funding to resource the projects.  South Street remained an important part of the city, but there was also the potential to develop the area as a bridge between the city centre and Exeter Quay. It was important to plan the future of the area through a comprehensive assessment of the areas’ constraints and opportunities and link to the City Centre Strategy. It was acknowledged that the process of renovation would take a number of years, but it was also hoped that some quick wins could be identified and delivered in advance of the plan, through consultation with local business and residents.


Councillor Denham attended the meeting and spoke under Standing Order 44 and appreciated there were would be many valid questions from those residents and businesses in the locality. The consultation should guide the needs of the local and wider community and pick up any potential areas of concern. It was anticipated that a Steering Group would be established and include a range of stakeholders to help drive the work, which would commence after the forthcoming local elections in May.


The Corporate Manager Property and Councillor Denham responded, as appropriate, to Members’ comments:-


·           the initial stance was not to be too prescriptive over the boundary of the review areas but it was acknowledged that this was an opportunity to take a comprehensive approach to connect the Cathedral area, the city centre and the Quay. 

·           one of the early tasks would be to look at ways in which to design out anti-social behaviour as it was acknowledged this had an effect on the wider community.Councillor Denham referred to the levels of anti-social behaviour. It was intended that a number of initiatives such as the new Homelessness Strategy and work with partner organisations would manage such behaviour more effectively. The Chair of the Community Safety Partnership, Superintendent Sam de Reya from Devon and Cornwall Police was also committed to delivering a renewed drive.

·           a range of stakeholders including local residents and businesses would be invited to take part at an early stage of the consultation process.

·           the City Council was the landlord of the British Homes Stores building and KPMG had been working on a nationwide review of their stores, and this could be seen as a further opportunity to include in the review area.

·           the request for £75,000 would enable the process to be initiated, by funding the public consultation as well as include urban design, valuation and legal work to progress the project to the point of formulating a masterplan for any future development.  


Members also made the following comments for consideration:-


·           this was a once in a generation opportunity that would enable the aspirations for the area to be realised. 

·           every effort should be made to help local business in their long term planning and future investment.

·           the future devolution of the business rates framework be explored in the context of options for new and existing business.

·           a new market beneath the Corn Exchange.

·           that every effort be made to continue to work with the traders to promote the unique cultural and independent character of Fore Street and similarly boost South Street and build on the ideal of what could be achieved.

·           the bus link between the city centre and the Quayside should be improved as this was vital to bridge the movement of people to enjoy the riverside and canal area.


Members were in agreement that it was fundamentally important to ensure that there was cross political party unity on this matter which was essential for the long term economic and cultural future of the city centre.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and requested Executive to recommend approval by Council of an initial resource of £75,000 to progress the commencement of a review of South Street and the Corn Exchange block.








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