Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Updates

Councillor Sutton (Portfolio Holder for City Development) and Councillor Denham (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture) will present half year reports and take questions.




Councillors Sutton and Denham presented progress reports on priorities within the City Development and the Economy and Culture Portfolios respectively. Responses to Members’ comments and queries are set out below:-


Councillor Sutton - City Development 


·         Ikea had outline planning consent and continued to work on their application for reserved matters which will come back to Planning Committee.  She understood that Exeter was scheduled to be next after the current store in Reading, but unfortunately, it was down to the company when they progressed this application.


·         a new Sport and Leisure Strategy was being drafted. Although desirable, it was not necessary for the Strategy to be in place to draw down funding from Sport England. The Strategy will be presented to a Scrutiny Committee and offer Members the opportunity to scrutinise and comment.  This document may also be used to inform public consultation. Councillor Denham added that the Strategy was also important to identify strategic need in the city, and to ensure that the appropriate consultation with sports groups was carried out.  It was important to ensure that there was active engagement with partners.


·         she undertook to respond to the Member in relation to his enquiry on the likely progress of the Morrison development at Middlemoor.  She appreciated that planning consent had been gained, but that the time limit was nearly up. It was important for the site to be delivered.


·         a copy of the report by Professor Darren Smith exploring the options and implications for accommodating the future growth of students in Exeter was considered by the Planning Member Working Group, and was also available to Members. The report offered a comment on the ratio of houses compared with purpose built accommodation through to 2021.  The findings of the University Task and Finish group would also be reported to the Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Sutton congratulated all those involved in the support for the Exeter Community Forum and particularly to the sterling work of Diane Moore and Christine Fraser around the city, as well as the City Council’s Community Involvement and Inclusion Officer and other officers.


Councillor Denham - Economy and Culture


·         a Canal and River Trust stakeholder’s meeting had been arranged for 4 February, and invitees from a wide range of user groups had been invited to meet representatives of the Exeter Canal and Quay Trust. It was hoped that the meeting with the Trust would help to develop a better working relationship.  The Assistant Director Public Realm would be in attendance.


·         she would write to Councillor Henson and Members of the Scrutiny Committee and detail the package relating to the forthcoming Rugby 7’s event.  They had entered into a contractual arrangement following negotiations by the Assistant Director Finance.


·         there had been a huge increase in the number of visitors and an increase in the shop revenue since the Visitor Centre moved into the Custom House.  There were also regular opportunities for a range of events and promotions.  She would arrange for the data relating to the visitor increase to be sent to Members.


·         the Exeter City Futures work was on line from 11 January, as part of a soft launch.   The main media launch has been booked for 28 February.  The Exeter City Futures Programme Manager was in the process of arranging presentations to the Member Groups. There had also been a whole series of communications and events put in place to raise public awareness and she would ensure an update on its progress was provided.


·         a report on the Parking Strategy had been delayed, but the Assistant Director Public Realm would be presenting a report to the March meeting of Scrutiny Committee Economy, as well as reporting the cost implications and more information as part of a Parking Spotlight Review.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the achievements and priorities presented for both City Development and the Economy and Culture Portfolios.  


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