Agenda item

Rugby World Cup 2015

To consider the report of the Chief Executive and Growth Director.


The Economy and Tourism Manager presented a final report on the activities undertaken as part of the City Council’s support for Exeter being a successful Host City for the Rugby World Cup 2015 tournament which took place between 18 September and 31 October 2015, including an update on the extensive legacy activities encouraged and developed as a result of being involved. The city’s participation in the Rugby World Cup tournament had provided the city with the opportunity to be involved in a sporting activity on the local, regional and world stage with all of the consequential benefits from raising its profile, demonstrating its pride and ambition, and gaining confidence and experience from delivering such a wide ranging and high calibre event. Tribute was also paid to the effective way the partner agencies contributed to the event, together with the enthusiasm and support given by the well organised volunteers together with long hours from key staff should also be recognised.  Copies of correspondence from England Rugby 2015 and Tracy Crouch, Minister for Sport were attached to the circulated report and whole heartedly supported this view. The Economy and Tourism Manager referred to Exeter’s involvement in the observer programme, which had been set up to assist countries bidding to host the RWC 2019, and representatives from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Japan Local Government Centre in London had visited Exeter on a fact finding mission.


The Economy and Tourism Manager also referred to the Legacy programme, which had far and long lasting benefits including the contribution to the promotion of health and well-being of its citizens. Other successes have been the My First Rugby Ball initiative, which had enabled a tag rugby training initiative to be developed in local schools.  Work continued apace to continue to develop the partnership with Sandy Park and take forward the European Rugby 7’s event over the summer months.


The Chief Executive & Growth Director responded to a Member’s comment on the numbers in the Fanzone. He referred to England’s early exit from the games and the effect on the Fanzone, despite the capacity numbers of the earlier matches. Exeter’s Fanzone had been one of the few to remain open, apart from London, for the duration of the games. Despite England’s untimely exit, Exeter as a city was a success, and every part of the city had performed to the best of their ability, and been behind the whole tournament.   Members wished to pass on their thanks for all of the volunteers and also the legacy programme that helped to contribute to such a successful event for the city. 


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report, and requested that Executive welcome the wide-ranging benefits resulting from the tournament including those anticipated from the programme of legacy activities in contributing to the well-being of residents and the positive profile of the city, and express their appreciation to all the agencies and especially the volunteers and staff for all their commitment and hard work to make the event such a success.


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