Agenda item

Topsham Flood Alleviation Measures

To consider the report of Assistant Director Public Realm.


Councillor Baldwin attended the meeting and spoke Under Standing Order 44 on this matter.


The Assistant Director Public Realm presented a report which sought Members’ consideration for funding towards the cost of flood alleviation and protection measures for two schemes in Topsham.  The first scheme related to 120 properties in Ferry Road Topsham, north of St Margaret’s Church, which was at particular risk from tidal flooding.  Despite contributions having being identified, there remained a shortfall of up to £100,000 and one option would be the possibility to secure contributions from householders who would directly benefit from the scheme.  If funding for the shortfall could not be secured, then the scheme would not proceed. The report also included details of a second scheme and a request for the Council to underwrite the provision of enhanced protection to around 50 further properties to the south of the scheme above, at the lower end of Ferry Road and The Strand.  Members were reminded that whilst the City Council had no statutory obligation to fund the flood scheme, nor, was there an available budget, staff resources would be absorbed to undertake the administration and co-ordination of the funding of the schemes.  The Assistant Director Public Realm added that the two schemes were not dependent on the other.


Councillor Baldwin attended the meeting as she was concerned over the proposals in relation to Scheme 1, as just over 3,500 individuals would collectively have to find £80,000 to protect their homes.  She felt that there was a moral obligation and commented on the City Council’s recent contribution towards the £3 million flood alleviation scheme which would protect the homes of citizens in St Thomas from flooding.  She thanked the City Council for their support in the past, which had included providing sandbags and assisting with the clear up operations and she hoped that would continue.  Councillor Baldwin was also concerned about the detail of Scheme 1 to create an ‘earth bund’ or earth wall that would abut the River Exe.  The scheme had recently been discussed by the Topsham Community Association which had expressed some concern over the maintenance of the scheme and questioned how the water would be reabsorbed into the river if there were exceptionally high winds and a tidal overflow.  She suggested it would be more beneficial to place the flood barrier on the Ferry Road side of the recreation ground, which was a much shorter distance and would protect the houses rather than the recreation field, and that work could easily be covered by the £20,000. She asked for further work to be carried out to consider other engineering solutions.


A Member concurred with Councillor Baldwin and considered that there was every possibility that the earth bund would wash away and that at the very least a more permanent structure should be created to protect the houses. A Member referred to one of the recommendations to contact Hugo Squires MP to establish whether there was any available funding, and felt that was likely to be happening anyway.


Councillor Vizard proposed that recommendations 1 – 3 of the circulated report be deferred to allow further investigative work to establish the most appropriate solution.  Councillor Bull seconded the motion, which was carried.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy requested Council to endorse and Council approve the underwriting of up to £15,000 by the City Council, of the cost of Scheme 2: Ferry Road South, Topsham described in paragraph 8.4 of the circulated report to enable the works to be commenced during the current financial year.  This amount would be conditional upon suitable guarantees from the Topsham Emergency Group being in place for the repayment of the money.

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