Agenda item

Donations Campaign and Temporary Exhibition Admission Charges at the RAMM

To consider the report of the Museums Manager and Cultural Lead.  


The Museums Manager presented a report which focused on two new initiatives at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) designed to generate income to support the museum’s ‘core’ costs and service delivery.  These proposals were made in the context of the financial challenges faced by the local authority and the service review this had driven. The first initiative related to the introduction of admission charges for some temporary exhibitions, and in particular the International Garden Photographer of the year which would be taking place from 23 April to 28 August 2016. The Museums Manager acknowledged that paying to view selected exhibitions would be a significant step change for the public, and the outcome of the trial would be reported to Members. The second initiative provided to Members for information, related to a new donations campaign to encourage increased levels of individual giving, and would be launched in late 2015.


In response to a Member’s question, the Museums Manager confirmed that the Council’s Communications team would ensure that the presentation of the proposal was handled with the appropriate sensitivity.  The report included a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ guidance to assist in any subsequent enquiries about this service change.  A Member suggested that the trial should include the possibility of the introduction of a season ticket or even an ‘a pay what you can afford’ on selected days or even an occasional free day. The Museums Manager responded to a number of Members’ concern on the attention paid to visitor surveys and studies, explaining that staff and volunteers would be collecting data, and gathering information relating to the visitors’ experience of the exhibition; there would be no charge for children and young people less than 19 years, and that every effort would be made to ensure that any exhibition at the RAMM was not near neighbouring areas.


The Museums Manager also outlined the efforts that would be made to increase the opportunities to encourage voluntary donations. She welcomed a Member’s comment that the donation boxes were too discreet and they should have more prominence which might increase the act of giving.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy requested Executive approve the following:-


(1)  introduction of a visitor admission charge in relation to a temporary exhibition at the RAMM with the first ticketed temporary exhibition of the International Garden Photographer of the Year which will take place 23 April – 28 August 2016; 


(2)   that a follow up report be produced for Members to present the results and findings around charging for International Garden Photographer of the Year.  Based on the findings of this first exercise, a stepped approach to charging for some exhibitions may be developed.  At this stage it was considered likely that charges would be attached to selected and not all temporary exhibitions as detailed in paragraph 8.2 of the circulated report; 


(3)  that subject to the outcome of this trial and a further report to committee, delegated authority to be given to the Museums Manager, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to decide when an admission charge should be applied to any of the temporary exhibitions at RAMM; and


(4)   the approach to be taken for the related donations campaign, which also invites visitor’s financial contribution.



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