Agenda item

Rugby World Cup Update 2015

To consider the verbal update report of the Economy and Tourism Manager.


The Economy and Tourism Manager presented an update on the Rugby World Cup 2015, which had been a very successful event overall and showcased much of Exeter.  The city saw through the tournament from start to the finish, with arrangements including the dressing of the city, a Five Nations Parade, volunteers and the Fanzone which included the matches being shown on a large screen.  The Fanzone provided an opportunity to showcase local bands and artists on a large stage.  The Fanzone attracted a total of 30,094 people which took place in Northernhay Gardens. The matches at Sandy Park were overseen by England 2015 and performed exceptionally well, with no major issues to report.  Each match was classified as a sell out. There had been some minor issues with transporting people from Sandy Park back to Westpoint and the city centre after the matches, but additional park and ride buses were laid on with additional buses from Digby and Sowton to take people back into the city. The media supported Rugby World Cup 2015 with excellent local and national press coverage, as well as social media coverage relating to matches at Sandy Park and Exeter Fanzone.  England 2015 surveys indicated that Exeter was one of the best performing host cities, with welcome and transport the highest rankings.  A follow-up report to the Ernst and Young Economic impact report would be undertaken.  The Economy and Tourism team were working to establish occupancy levels of local hotels during the three match days at Sandy Park.


In terms of the legacy, the Economy and Tourism Manager confirmed that all projects had a minimum three year sustainability criteria, which will be monitored by Active Devon, RFU, and Exeter City Council.  The following projects were continuing:-


·         Rugby 7’s league being worked on, also developing a centre of excellence for Rugby 7s.

·         Development of participation of more women in rugby has resulted in the formation of the Exonians ladies team who are now part of a league structure and have a second team.

·         Active Exeter Cycling Project launched October half-term and have been working with Wessex RFC to encourage community led cycle rides, identifying locations near rugby clubs and engaging wide participation.

·         ParkRun/Junior ParkRun – with events at Exeter Riverside and Heavitree.

·         Rugby Fitness – 4 satellite ‘mums’ clubs now set-up and running with an average of 14 participants weekly.

·         REEP, which has now evolved into Business Empowering Employment Programme or BEEP, with 14 of the 15 participants who took part now have a pathway, either in employment, full-time education or apprenticeship. The Economy and Tourism team will continue to work with the business community to encourage sponsorship of this proven successful programme.

·         Exeter Hawks Wheelchair rugby team launched in partnership with St Luke’s and Westcountry Hawks. Taster sessions had taken place in October as part of the Fanzone activity.  They hoped to progress to links with Tag/Touch and compete in national league.

·         Distributing the locally authored 'My First Rugby Ball' book to all Reception/yr1&2 pupils in Exeter schools. This included a CPD teachers’ programme/assemblies package/interactive web development and links with local rugby clubs and schools to run tots programmes. This was now a commercially driven project which looks to roll out across key stage 2 children and has national literacy grant support, delivering to 23 primary schools. 

·         The RAMM Photographic exhibitions have now ended, Michelle Sank and Kate Green both reporting high numbers of visitors and engagement. The project worked with local rugby clubs and had a strong social media presence during the tournament.

·         Cash for Communities: £10,000 launched in January 2015 through the Express & Echo for community groups to bid for grants from the Legacy Fund based on detailed criteria.  Ten projects were now in operation and would be reviewed and reported on via the Express & Echo newspaper.


The Chair thanked the Economy and Tourism Manager and the RWC 2015 team for contributing towards such a successful event.