Agenda item


Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal half yearly report on the Scrutiny Committee work programme.


Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) presented a verbal report on the priorities for the Committee’s work programme for the remainder of the year.


Councillor Shepherd highlighted the key areas for the Planning and Sustainable Development Portfolio:-


·                    Climate Change – After a period of consultationthe City Council will review the responses to the draft Climate Change Strategy for Exeter.  This strategy sets out key proposals for how the Council and others can take the lead in reducing carbon emissions.  The Final Strategy will be presented to Executive in January.

·                    Policy – Further work on the core strategy of the Local Development Framework is being undertaken. Supplementary Planning Documents on Affordable Housing and Student Accommodation have been prepared, but Members have yet to see the draft core strategy.

·                    Future Projects – Princesshay has successfully opened; options for a suitable conversion scheme for Debenhams to retail, leisure and residential are being discussed; and the Council’s major projects team are preparing background studies for the future redevelopment of the Bus Station site.

·                    City Centre Enhancements – the improvement works in Lower High Street, Cathedral Yard and Cathedral Close have been completed.

·                    The New Growth Point - we continue to work with the New Growth Point Board to progress the joint project for the East of Exeter area.

·                    Transportation

            Buses - we continue to support a further bid by the County Council for TIF funding tying in with the Park and Ride Strategy. Lottery funding has been attracted to implement a Travel Smart Scheme which will provide door to door advice on public transport services targeting up to 30,000 households in the city.   There has also been considerable work carried out by the Directorate Projects Officer relating to the future funding options for the Concessionary Fares Scheme.

         Rail – we continue lobbying First Great Western on a number of issues relating to their Franchise; an outline scheme for improvements to the forecourt of Central Station has been submitted to Network Rail.

·                    Walking and Cycling – there are a number of welcome initiatives with other partners including the extension of the Exeter cycle network to 18 km; 29 out of the 37 Exeter Schools have Travel Plans and over 890 children have received cycle training. Progress has also been made on plans for the walking loop in Exwick, a route in Topsham along Sir Alec Walk and proposals for a path between Summerway and Pinhoe Road are also currently being worked up.

·                    Guildhall Car Park – the refurbishment was completed on time and the new Pay on Foot system is fully operational.

·                    District Centres –local enhancement works in Heavitree, Fore Street will commence in the middle of next year. Design work is being prepared for St Thomas but will not begin on site until the Heavitree project is completed.

·                    Natural Environment – A project officer has been appointed to progress the Wild City project.


            The following responses were given to Members:-


·                    The Director reported that funding of the Travel Smart Scheme included £15,000 from the City Council, £70,000 from the County Council and the remainder was lottery funding of £400,000.  This will enable individual interviews allowing tailored information on routes, bus frequencies and passenger fares and will result in a bigger modal shift in travel behaviour than many other transport initiatives.  (John Rigby declared an interest as a member of the Board of Sustrans)

·                    Cllr Shepherd responded to concern over the reduction of some city bus services stating that the City and County Councils have put considerable effort and funding in, ensuring the availability of a good quality public transport system.

·                    Cllr Shepherd assured a Member that work on Cowick Street would start as soon as the Heavitree scheme was completed. He referred to the Directorate Projects Officer’s continued efforts to press for more funding to be committed to St Thomas Railway Station but was not certain if the budget would be sufficient for all the changes necessary to improve accessibility.

·                    Cllr Shepherd stated that an update on the Green Circle Walk route at Luggs Farm would be provided.

·                    Cllr Shepherd advised that roadworks at the junction at Sidwell Street and Cheeke Street had been suspended during operation of the Continental Market to improve the environment for traders and pedestrians.

·                    Cllr Shepherd clarified that the Local Development Framework would not be replacing the Local Plan immediately. It is a new process bringing together various planning documents to provide a general policy on a range of topics including employment, housing and retail provision.  The Director added that the LDF process was very time consuming but as part of this that some policies had been prepared such as guidance on student accommodation and houses in multiple occupation which had already been considered by Planning Member Working Group, Planning Committee and Executive.   


Councillor Sheldon highlighted the key areas for the Economy and Tourism Portfolio:-


·                    Promotion of City Centre Vitality Princesshay has successfully opened with over 95% of the units let. The new venues for The Underground Passages; Shopmobility and the Exeter Visitor Information and Ticket Centre have all opened in their new locations. The City Centre Management Partnership Board have approved the City Centre Strategy; and have been working with a number of key city centre partners to enhance the Christmas Launch and a range of activities throughout November and December; work is continuing to develop the Exeter Festival of South West Food and Drink which will take place from 11 - 13 April.

·                    Quay/Canal Basin – the Custom House has been extensively refurbished and the Archaeological Field Unit now occupy the building, which has given more space for the Phoenix Arts Centre at Bradninch Place; Cricklepit Mill has now been occupied by the Devon Wildlife Trust; the refurbishment of the Old Electricity Building is progressing with the legal documentation now complete and work on the Maclaines Warehouse and 60 Haven Road should commence in the New Year.

·                    Economic Development   - we continue to provide a proactive service to companies wishing to relocate to Exeter; the Innovation Centre Phase 2 is due to open in January and will provide a hub for hi tech companies; planning for the Science Park is continuing, with the main planning application due to be submitted to East Devon District Council next summer; the Heart of Devon Enterprise Agency has now successfully merged with Enterprise South Devon and the Council’s Economic Development Team continues to work with key agencies to develop skills within the local economy.

·                    Tourism –further work to build on the early success of the Underground Passages, and the new Visitor Information and Tickets Centre is continuing.  Joint promotional work of the area with neighbouring associations is producing a promising response for enquiries about accommodation and visiting.  It is intended to build up this area of work with the private sector.  

·                    Arts and Festivals – we continue to support a range of Festivals either directly delivered by ourselves or supporting others to add to the city’s cultural calendar.

·                    Property – we continue to manage our portfolio in an efficient way including the successful relaunch of the Corn Exchange.  We will support the refurbishment work of Debenhams.


The following responses were given to Members:-


·                    The Head of Estates advised that complaints regarding noise during a recent performance arose because the windows were open to counteract a problem with the heating; full sound protection of the windows was not universal in the building but improvements will be made if capital funding can be identified.  

·                    The Head of Economy and Tourism referred to the on line capacity at the Visitor Information and Tickets Centre and would pick up the comments made to extend the on line facility for other ticket purchases.

·                    The Director responded to comments on the Christmas Lights stating that the infrastructure was developed in conjunction with local businesses. The Princesshay Centre Manager and City Centre Manager coordinated their respective approaches to lighting. He would respond separately to comments made about the Christmas lighting in the District Centres - St Thomas and Heavitree.

·                    The Director commented on the level of traffic enforcement in the city centre which could not be enforced appropriately until all signage was in place.

Despite a high level of monitoring he was unaware of any particular instances of unacceptable cyclist behaviour in Princesshay.  He added that a policy on the usage of Bedford Square would be considered by the City Centre Management Partnership Board in January.


            The reports of the Portfolio Holders were noted.