Agenda item

Devolution for the Heart of the South West

To consider the report of the Chief Executive and Growth Director.








(1)        the progress with securing devolution for the Heart of the South West be noted;


(2)         implications of not participating in devolution negotiations be noted;


(3)        the Council’s continued participation in devolution discussions and the preparation of a draft devolution deal be endorsed, subject to:

a)    Exeter and the wider growth area being recognised as a fundamental contributor to improving productivity and this being given due prominence in any proposed devolution deal;

b)    Appropriate, place-based decision making arrangements that reflect sub-regional geographies (i.e. the Greater Exeter area), with powers and flexibilities to agree and oversee the programmes addressing productivity and economic development, including investment in skills and business development;

c)    Exeter being represented directly in negotiations with Government about a devolution deal;


(4)           regular updates on devolution negotiations with the Government be received;


(5)        the longer-term implications of relevant legislation, particularly in relation to devolution and governance, be noted; and


(6)        the Chief Executive & Growth Director be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to put in place appropriate management arrangements to ensure the council participates effectively in the various work streams that will prepare the detail of a devolution deal.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The report of the Chief Executive & Growth Director was submitted to update Members on progress with devolution discussions in the Heart of the South West and to present the prospectus that will inform negotiations with Government on a devolution deal. The report also explained the issues and risks for the council in pursuing a devolution deal.


The Chief Executive & Growth Director advised that the document before Members was a prospectus put together by 17 Local Authorities, two National Parks, the Local Enterprise Partnership and the three Clinical Commissioning Groups in Devon and Somerset.

The Statement of Intent set out three basic ambitions:-

·         To unlock productivity

·         To improve health, care and wellbeing

·         To improve connectivity and resilience.


Whilst Exeter productivity is above the national average, the Heart of the South West continued to lag behind national productivity and to redress this the Heart of South West required more and better jobs, a healthier, higher skilled labour market and new homes for a growing population. 


Members were updated on the productivity plan, the vision and goals and the Golden Opportunities including the Data Analytics which would build on the work already being progressed in Exeter. It was recognised that there were risk associated with early commitment to a combined authority and governance review. It was also noted that the Secretary of State could impose a Combined Authority on an area even if an individual authority did not consent.


The Leader stated that it was important that the Council stayed on board and started to talk to Government now about the way forward.


Members recognised the importance of Exeter being involved at every stage of any devolution proposals which could help to grow the city whilst having regards to the risks and challenges that it could bring and the need to still keep decisions at a local level.


The Chief Executive & Growth Director commented that the South West generally had low productivity and low wages and that whilst the growth of small business was important there was need to build on the Golden Opportunities like ‘Hinkley Point’ and data analytics. 




(1)        the progress with securing devolution for the Heart of the South West be noted;


(2)        implications of not participating in devolution negotiations be noted;


(3)        the Council’s continued participation in devolution discussions and the preparation of a draft devolution deal be endorsed, subject to:

a)    Exeter and the wider growth area being recognised as a fundamental contributor to improving productivity and this being given due prominence in any proposed devolution deal;

b)    Appropriate, place-based decision making arrangements that reflect sub-regional geographies (i.e. the Greater Exeter area), with powers and flexibilities to agree and oversee the programmes addressing productivity and economic development, including investment in skills and business development;

c)    Exeter being represented directly in negotiations with Government about a devolution deal;


(4)        regular updates on devolution negotiations with the Government be received;


(5)        the longer-term implications of relevant legislation, particularly in relation to devolution and governance, be noted; and


(6)        the Chief Executive & Growth Director be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to put in place appropriate management arrangements to ensure the council participates effectively in the various work streams that will prepare the detail of a devolution deal.


Supporting documents: