Agenda item

Management of Exeter's Waterways

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Public Realm.


The Assistant Director Public Realm presented a report with a proposal for the improved management of the Exe Estuary Harbour, Canal and Waterways.  The proposal would also address specific governance and management issues associated with the waterways, with a formal structure to comply with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code and operation of a Statutory Port. The report also outlined a change in the Council’s direction with the conclusion of work on the business case for the transfer of the Exeter Ship Canal to the Canal and River Trust, and in its place the development of a management plan.  This would include a new approach to deal with abandoned boats, live-aboard boats, moorings and maintenance.  A business case would also be developed to employ a Harbour Master, or similar, to deliver the Port Marine Safety Code compliance.


The Portfolio Holder for Sport and Health and Wellbeing attended the meeting and spoke in support of the proposed process, which had been invaluable in ensuring there was a better understanding of the needs of the stakeholders and issues around the management of the waterways.  He also supported the preparation of a robust marketing plan for the waterways as a way to investigate new income opportunities.  He had met many of the groups associated with the waterways, who had a genuine interest in its future and he hoped that they would continue to involve as many partners as possible to ensure the canal and waterways continued to be of benefit for the citizens of Exeter.   He also welcomed the enthusiasm and contribution made by the Service Manager, Business and Commercial Operations Public Realm and his staff.


The Assistant Director Public Realm responded to the following Members’ questions:-


·      amendments to the Council’s Constitution, as outlined in section 2.3.1 of the report were a requirement to meet the terms of the Port Marine Safety Code, and the Council would then be able to delegate the responsibility to a designated Duty Holder.

·      the support and expertise of the Canal and River Trust had been very welcome over the last two years, but they would no longer be directly involved in the delivery of the current proposals.

·      Members would have the opportunity to have a continued input in the development of the Management Plan through the Scrutiny process.  She thanked Members for their support for the planned improvements.


The Service Manager, Business and Commercial Operations Public Realm, also responded to a Member’s enquiry for consideration for the removal of the barrier and repair to the Topsham lock gate on the canal. The Member agreed that it would be wonderful to see the lock opened and working again.


Place Scrutiny Committee supported and requested Executive to recommend to Council the approval of the following:-


(1)        work on a business case to transfer the Exeter Ship Canal to the Canal and River Trust to cease and that a Management Plan for the Canal be developed in-house;


(2)        officers be tasked to develop a business case to employ a Harbour Master or similar to deliver Port Marine Safety Code compliance, improve safety and improve operational management on the River Exe; and 


 (3)       that, in compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code, the following also be noted:-


(a)   the Service Manager, Business and Commercial Operations Public Realm be designated as the ‘Duty Holder’ in respect to the Port of Exeter and the Constitution be amended accordingly;


(b)   an external competent body be engaged to fulfil the role of ‘Designated Person’ as defined by the Port Marine Safety Code to undertake competency and safety audits;


(c)   that a budget of £10,000 be identified from within existing resources to engage specialist marketing and business development expertise to support the preparation of a Marketing Plan for the Waterways and to deliver the additional income requirements;


(d)   that the Mooring Licence issued since 2013 be applied to all moorings in the Port of Exeter and that, where the licensee is unwilling to accept the new licence conditions, action be taken to remove the vessel from the Port;


(e)   that only vessels deemed suitable at the Council’s absolute discretion be permitted into the canal, with responsibility to make such a determination to be delegated to the relevant Service Manager; and


(f)    where repairs were necessary or ‘off season’ maintenance was required, these activities be confined to the Eastern side of the Basin or the Boat Park (in Michael Browning Way) and this be cordoned off from public access.

Supporting documents: