Agenda item

Provision and Management of Dog Waste Bins

To consider the report of the Head of Environmental Health Services - report circulated.



Councillor Hannaford attended the meeting and spoke on this item having given notice under Standing Order No. 44.


The Chair presented the report setting out the key findings of a member working group in relation to improving the provision of dog waste bins within the City and reducing the contamination of land by dogs.


The working group had considered the following key issues:-


·        examining existing provision and identifying changes in bin capacity and collection rate to better meet need;

·        determining a methodology for prioritising provision of bins in new locations in response to any requests;

·        identifying changes to improve the use of bins;

·        the provision of bins on private land; and

·        the role of education and enforcement.


The following responses were given to questions raised by the Member attending under Standing Order No. 44:-


·        extra weighting was given to requests for bins adjacent to play areas and playing fields as was the case where sports teams collected dog waste prior to their games commencing. Where it was difficult to provide extra bins, other measures, such as increased enforcement or additional education were undertaken;

·        in addition to the Dog Warden, other Environmental Health Assistants were trained in and dealt with dog enforcement issues;

·        progress on the implementation of the initiatives would be reviewed;

·        with regard to bin size, there was a limit to the weight of bin that could be carried by the collectors. The group had agreed that the present bin design was fit for purpose. Twin bins would be used where there were higher rates of use; and

·        the working group had examined the use of ordinary bins and it was hoped that additional education would result in the proper use of the bins. Similarly, the merits of promoting dog waste disposal units to householders would be investigated.


A Member expressed concern that, apart from a dog bin at the play area in Clyst Health, there was a sparsity of provision in the Kings Heath/Clyst Heath area. She recognised that many of the roads in the new Kings Heath area had not yet been adopted but urged provision of bins as soon as possible as a number of requests had been made following meetings as part of the neighbourhood engagement pilot. Another Member, similarly referred to the lack of bins at Gras Lawn and adjoining estates. The Head of Environmental Health Services stated that other strategies would be utilised where the provision of bins was difficult including education and the upping of patrols.


In response to a Member, he advised that the needs of all areas where additional bins were being sought had been fully assessed with input from the Senior Dog Warden who possessed significant knowledge and therefore provided a valuable overview and could recommend the most suitable locations. He also advised that allowing for the recruitment process, it was likely that the additional Collector/Driver would be engaged sometime in the first quarter of 2008/09, subject to approval of finances. He also confirmed that he would ask for the merits of a request for a bin for the Bonhay Road area, made some four year ago, to be examined.


A Member remarked that problems were apparent over the Christmas/Easter and Bank Holiday periods when dog waste was left to the side of overflowing bins. The Head of Environmental Health Services confirmed that there were seasonal variations and the proposed introduction of bin code numbers should assist the public in reporting problems.


Another Member welcomed the commitment of additional resources to this issue.


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and requested Executive to:-


(1)        approve the purchase of a dual purpose collection vehicle at a capital cost of £30,000 in 2008/09 and the employment of one full time equivalent Collector/Driver from 1 April 2008 at an annual revenue cost of £25,000 which includes running costs;


(2)        approve the adoption of the methodology, as set out in the report, for prioritising dog bin provision in response to requests; and


(3)        approve the completion of the remaining recommendations of the working group, as set out in the report, by June 2008.


(Report circulated)


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