Agenda item

Community - General Fund - Estimates/New Capital Bids/Fees and Charges

To consider the joint report of the Head of Treasury Services - report circulated.



The Director Community and Environment presented a report on the Community Revenue Account Estimates and Fees and Charges, which outlined the strategic framework within which the estimates had been prepared, changes in accounting practices which affected all budgets and gave detailed reasons for major changes in the Management Unit estimates. Detailed schedules of the capital programme for Community were also attached to the report.


The following responses were made to queries raised by Members:-


·        adjustments to the capital programme and deferral of schemes had occurred partly as a result of committing to the construction of a new swimming pool which will be a major scheme to fund;

·        the reduction of £45,000 in 2008/09 and 2009/10 to equal opportunities improvements reflected the fact that a substantial programme had already been achieved in this area. The need to balance the overall programme had resulted in the deletion of the Exwick Cemetery boundary fencing scheme and a reduction in investment in general open space improvements such as toilets and allotments, again an area where there had been significant investment in improvements in recent years;

·        items which had been put forward for deletion from the programme, could be considered again at the next spending round for inclusion in future programmes;

·        the use of the skateboard park was monitored and visits were made by Community Patrollers. Floodlighting was not considered a health and safety priority. This scheme and the provision of CCTV cameras at the Triangle Car Park could be assessed for consideration for inclusion in future programmes;

·        the annual City Council budget of £80,000 for play area improvements had not changed. The additional £120,000 in 2008/09 related to extra funds likely to result from Section 106 Agreements;

·        the proposed reduction of £110,000 towards energy projects over three years has been replaced by £500,000 funding for the Local Authority Carbon Management Project and, in addition, the levy on parking charges would provide further funds for projects to save energy in properties/businesses etc.;

·        free swimming for children had been provided over a two year period only. Funding would now focus on other play initiatives such as play rangers, improvements in provision for BMX riders etc.; and

·        enforcement officers issued fixed penalties notices in respect of littering during the weekday with Community Patrollers issuing them in the evening and weekends. Enforcing against litterers late at night in the City Centre posed a far greater problem. Those responsible were often intoxicated making any enforcement difficult and dangerous in such a volatile situation. The Police had advised that they would struggle to support enforcement officers in these situations due to their officer commitment to maintaining public order within the City Centre at night. In addition, a fixed penalty notice should not be served on intoxicated individuals. The Chair asked if this issue could be considered by the Community Safety Partnership.


The Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the draft Revenue Estimates for 2008/09 and Fees and Charges for approval by the Executive.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 43, CouncillorsMrs Brock, Mitchell, Newton and Newcombe requested that their names be recorded as abstaining in respect of this recommendation.


(Report circulated)



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